Here is a few screen shots of Tuckers Conversation with Toph.
He discovered the emoti-cons, and LOVED it! I left the room, so it was so fun to come back and look at the conversation.
He doesn’t know how to type very many words, but you can see he typed messages, like I heart dad, and tucker. Mostly it is just faces though. How cute is he? Cute. (Tucker is ‘ME’, Toph is ‘Christopher’)
Isn’t Toph a patient father too? What a good man to take the time to make his son feel so special. I am lucky to be married to him, and the boys are lucky he is their father.
Month: January 2008
Dear Grams,
The Baby Pumpkins (Tiger and Lion)
and I are so excited about the blanket you are making for them. We have not stopped talking about it since you told us you were making one. I have wanted to call you like 10 times today, and would have if my mom would’ve let me, but she said you would call me when you were done. Did I mention that I am excited?
I wanted to make sure that my pumpkins were ready to sleep with me, so I spend the afternoon today making pillows for them.
They love them, and now all they need is the blanket, ’cause I am really excited!!!!
We love you and thanks again,
So I am not sure which one it is, dancing or wrestling, probably a little bit of both. 🙂
This movie is a long one, like almost 5 minutes long, my boys don’t ‘dance’ (if that is what you call it) often, so I was just enjoying seeing them “bust-a-move”.
As you can tell, we still LOVE that song by Naim Yael, we listen to it often through out the day, it really does make us happy!!!
Oh, boys will be boys!
I am so blessed to have two little boys. The younger of whom looks up to his big brother immensely.
At lunch the other day, my friend Diana asked me what Truman was going to have for lunch, I said, “hold on let me ask Tucker”.
Not until her puzzled look, did I realize that it was odd to ask Tucker to see what Truman was eating.
You see, whatever Tucker does, Truman does. If Tucker is eating hot dogs, then Truman is too. He idolized Tucker, and although he is now voicing and experiencing his own likes and dislikes everyday a little bit more, he still follows in his big brother footsteps.
Case and Point:
Friday was Sack Lunch Day at school. Tucker was making his own lunch, and so therefore Truman insisted that me and him were having a sack lunch day too.
Tucker was making a butter and sprinkle sandwich, so Truman made us one too. (Sprinkles and butter, you ask? Delicious and Nutritious, I know, but you have to choose your battles right?) And everything had to be packed in a lunch box, just like Tuckers, then as soon as Tucker left, Truman opened his lunch box, found a blanket for a picnic, and began eating. Which he did off and on, for 2 hours. Talking about Tucker the WHOLE time. What good pals they are, and how blessed I am to have them in my life.
Leon (the previous homeowner) came to our house this week, and helped me figure out our Pellet Stove. Now it is up and going, and it is like a little peace of heaven, with it going! I stay toasty warm, and I LOVE that! It reminds me of sitting next to my Grandma and Grandpa’s stove at their house, as well as at the cabin. Just Warm, Cozy and Comfortable.
The boys love it too, they have been playing downstairs more (which is where there toys are), which is wonderful! I am not hauling toys back down the stairs to put way, so that is nice!
The other wonderful thing is :
My handsome hubba FIXED THE FLOOR!! It looks SO good! It is so nice to have fixed, and our kitchen mostly back to normal. We are so blessed to have a home, as much as I complain about fixing things, we are so blessed.
I love being an Aunt–I love my neices and nephews, and after this weekend with the Greene’s I love it even more.
Belle calls me Aunty Em, and Ikey pronounces my name, Aunt M-lee, how fun to hear your name with “aunt” in front!
The boys had their first official sleepover this weekend with the Belle and Ikey, and I wish both my camera batteries didn’t die, because the kids were DARLING and we had such a crazy, fun time!
We only had one problem. Tuck and Belle were sharing a room and Ikey and Truey were sharing another room. The problem arose, when they were having so much fun, that the didn’t want to go to sleep. So after an hour and a half of fun, we put the siblings together in separate rooms, and with in 2 minutes they were asleep. When you’re having so much fun, it takes alot of energy I guess!
I got a few shots before my battery died, playing games:
By morning my camera batteries were charged, but we were so busy playing, and taking care of the busy-ness that comes from having 4 kid, we didn’t get to many pictures. But I couldn’t pass up pictures in the dress ups!
The boys are already looking forward to another sleepover! Thanks Guys!
We thank thee, O God, for a Prophet
To guide us in these latter days;
We thank thee for sending the Gospel
To lighten our minds with its rays;
We thank thee for every blessing
Bestowed by thy bounteous hand;
We feel it a pleasure to serve thee,
And love to obey thy commands.
I love this video, you can see why he is so loved! His smile, His humor, but most of all his testimony. I am grateful for that testimony. I am grateful for him, and his service to the Lord and to us. I hope it can be said, that I have done my best to follow his council, and I am grateful for the Prophet of my youth, who strengthened me, in ways I don’t even fully understand.
When I told Tucker of Pres. Hinckley’s passing, he responded “That is good news, now he is with his hubba! But it is bad news because now he isn’t with us.”
Yes, it is sad he isn’t with us in body, but his teachings, faith and hard work will live on.
Kicking the Habit.
For almost five years now, Tucker has gently lulled himself to sleep with the help of either his blanket or his theseys. Well as I mentioned a few posts ago, Tucker is 5 years old now, and getting older everyday.
Being that he is getting older, and that sucking his theseys is causing damage to his teeth, It is time to say goodbye to these good friends. They have been with him along time. In every place we have lived (Boston Apt 1 and 2, Morgan Hall, our Providence house, Thorneberry Apt, and now our Home), they have helped him transition well, and given him extra comfort and love as he has needed it.
It has been almost two weeks, and he has done surprisingly well, I was expecting more tantrums, and misbehaviors. Maybe it is because we can logically reason with him, maybe we are just suckers, and should’ve taken them away along time ago, because he was ready. But either way, hurray for positive change, hurry for not finding soggy theseys all over the house, and mostly hurray for Tucker!
I am so proud of you Tucker! I know that because you can do this, you can do anything you set your mind too!
Way to go buddy,I am SO proud of you!
Here are a few of my favorite Thesey and Blankey Shots:
I hope that the thesey location goes undiscovered at least until we are truely past this addiction. Right now it truely has been out of sight out of mind. Here’s to another few weeks of thesey-less nights!