Emily Life Truman Tucker

Somethings never change…

The weather is warming up, and our play space has been extended to the outdoors. HURRAY!! And what is the first things the boys do?

Search for bugs, and,

Play in the mud.

It’s comforting to know, that somethings never change.

Elliot Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

Can’t get here soon enough…

The boys are getting a little bit of ‘Cabin Fever’. With the RSV virus raging around us, we’re trying to keep on ‘hunkering down’ around our house. In some ways spring can’t get here soon enough, as I am looking forward to extending our play area outside. But for now, we’re trying to keep ourselves busy indoors.

Tucker’s still making Sock Monkeys,
Toph has recently rekindled his love of sketching,
Truman always loves puzzles and has begun trying his hand as stringing wooden beads,
Baking treats that don’t contain chocolate (as Elliot doesn’t tolerate that very well, and sweets are my weakness…)
Building houses for our guys,
Garages for our cars,
And villages, just for the sake of building,
(we love Jenga blocks for building, by the way!)
Workbooks are always a favorite, especially for Truman,
And it’s fun to watch your children do quirky things, Truman loves to eat his valentines candy like this, stacking and organizing them first…
And sweet Elliot has mastered focusing on things, and following them as they move. He found new friends on his swing: fishies and a lion,

As much fun as we’re having, I am anxious to bask in the sun of spring, get my hands in the dirt and garden, and rake up the leaves that have yet to find their way to garbage bags, and let my children ‘run and roam free’ in our yard. But until then, we’ll find more fun things to do.

Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker


Even as an adult, I still get excited about packages that come in the mail. But it is not nearly the kind of magic I felt as a child receiving a package, or even a letter from a penpal.

It is no wonder that when the boys see the brown UPS truck pull up in front of our house, that they race to the door to receive the package being delivered. During the holidays we received many packages in the mail (Christmas shopping was made easier thanks to AMAZON), that were promptly put away from little hands and eyes.

But whenever a package was delivered that I knew contained a present that was not for them, I let them open it. They loved this.

One day we got this book arrived for Christopher:

When I read aloud the title of the book, “So brave, young and handsome”, the boys excitedly replied, ‘that’s a perfect book for dad.’

I couldn’t agree more.

Elliot Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

2 Wonderful Months

“Time doth softly, sweetly glide, when there’s love at home.”


It’s been over two wonderful months since Elliot arrival. He’s brought so much love to our home.

Life Truman

A special day for Truman…

Comprises of the following:
*Asking everyday when Grams and Ikey was coming for his special day,
*Taunting your older brother about being able to go first on the special day with grams
*Asking if Ikey was coming with Grams, multiple times a day, (Which he was)
*Waking the morning of the date to get on your most ‘hansomest’ clothes (a hawaiian shirt, topped by a race car sweater, his new pants, and his superhero dash shoes)
*Watching out the window for a little over an hour, to see Grams car on the special day,
* Ikey and Grams coming to HIS house to see HIS toys, and play with just him.
*Going to McDonalds to play and get ‘special food’, and ‘ice creams’
*Talking about it often ever since.


Thanks Grams and Ikey for coming down to have a Special Day with Truman.
We love you!

Elliot Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

We are Family…

For Primary last week the boys were encouraged to bring a small family photo or drawing to hang on our ward family tree that was located in the primary room.

When I read the note I realized, we didn’t have a family picture with all five of us in it!! Elliot is over 6 weeks old, but yet, we didn’t have a single snap shot with ALL of us in it. What?!?!

So over the next week I tried numerous times, and talked about it on several occasions, but somehow it just didn’t happen. So, when Sunday morning arrived (Christopher had already left for his early morning meetings, and wasn’t going to be home until right before church), I discussed our options with the boys, and they gladly decided they wanted to draw pictures, and I am so glad they did. Look at these precious family photos.

Trumans Family:

Tuckers Family:

I love children’s artwork, and it makes me smile to see how they view their world: Each of them at the center of their families, a very important place to be, and in my opinion, as it how it should be.

Elliot Emily Topher Truman Tucker

Having someone to Love…

Since having Elliot, I have been amazed by my boys. I can’t even begin to put it into words, how wonderful it is to see them love each other SO MUCH. It is a taste of what our Heavenly Father feels for us, I am sure.

The other day, Truman really wanted to be with Elliot. He was watching a movie on the laptop on our bed. I put Elliot next to him, but shortly after he began to fuss. I picked him up, and Truman said, once he’s happy again, can he come be with me again? I put Elliot down, and again he began to fuss, I picked him up and again Truman said, mom, PLEASE can he come back? So after a few tries, we gave Elliot the Binky and he was content. I ran to grab the phone, coming back to find this:
Tucker had wandered in, put his arm around Truman (and Truman still had his arm around Elliot).

It just made my little heart skip a beat. And it made me think…

When you have someone to love, and someone who loves you back, isn’t life so much more wonderful?
I think so.

Elliot Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

Being Homebodies

Just a peek at some of the things we’ve been doing since Elliots birth, hanging out at home…

I have a beautiful life. And it’s been a beautiful 6 weeks, wouldn’t you agree?

Truman Tucker

Happy Valentines Day

From our Busy Boys to you!

Create Your Own GushyGram

Elliot Emily Life Truman Tucker

“We’re ready for Love”

At least that is what Truman says to me. (So funny to hear what their little brains come up with!)
But I do think he is right, we are ready for love. Or at least the Holiday of Love anyway, 🙂

It has been pointed out on Tuckers School Calendar, almost every morning.

We got the decorations up (we don’t have too many!)

Valentines ready
(Sharpening the pencils to give to our friends)
(Writing our names on the valentines–Truman only had 16, but that is HUGE to a preschooler to write your name on that many. We spread it over 4 days, to make it more doable. As we were doing this, I couldn’t help but notice he made a different face for each letter. Remember the concentration it used to take to write? I had forgotten about that, until I saw this!)
U (the hardest letter for him…he’s always trying to write it upside down, and we’ve been practicing, but it is really hard!)

Sugar Cookies Made,
and eaten.

Even Elliots been in on the action (with some help from his older brothers and alot of giggling that is!

And a surprise arrived for me today, I don’t think I have ever gotten two dozen roses before, I had some work to do at my computer, and loved looking up to see this. A very pleasant surprise.

I love celebrating holidays…