
More Mom n’ Me.

I sure love this class with Elliot. I enjoy watching him make friends, I enjoy socializing with the other mom’s in the class, I enjoy watching Elliot improve his social skills, I love learning together with him, and I love that he LOVES it there too.

A few highlights from some of the past few classes…

Going to a movie together

Dyeing easter eggs

Racing easter eggs, (And he chose Lorelei to be on his team! SO cute!)

And a few movies:
Dancing on the ‘grass’ game.

Flying his kite (Wind sock)

This last one is kind of weird! 🙂 They had the kids paint the dolls and clean them. We were talking about hygiene that week, and Elliot thought it was weird, as did I and the other moms. 🙂

Sure love this weekly tradition!

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This is what I would freeze.

If I could freeze time.
Me making cookies in a dirty kitchen, with boys using their imaginative play, just being silly and having fun together.

Moments like this, make motherhood worth living for me.
Love the joy, and excitement, and laughter in their voices.

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Battle of the Books!

All School Year Long Tucker has been madly, madly, madly reading books, for the schools Battle of the Books program!
I was able to volunteer thru the year with record keeping, and then help during this last week in being a timer, scorekeeper, and question asker. It was so fun for me to be part of the excitement with him!

I am so proud of him. Due to his hard work, he was chosen CAPTAIN of his team, and as a member of the ALL-STAR TEAM!

His team was named Lego People, and after a full week of ‘battling’ and a year of reading and practicing and memorizing, his team made it to the Semi-Finals (after a few days of already battling other teams)


(I think this is my all time favorite video of Tucker, as he realizes he won!)

With his teammates:

A few days later, his team went to the Finals where they vs. the Nerd Readers in a school wide assembly.

In the hallways leading up to the assembly, the kids were in the halls yelling ‘Lego People!’ over and over and over! It was so fun to hear the school cheering for their team! Soon the Reading Nerd fans kicked in, and that’s when I finally found my video camera. So here’s video of the yelling/cheering of the students between teams!

There were lots of signs, here’s our neighbor holding up some, cheering on the Lego People.

A small portion of Tuck’s cheering section.

They played the ‘let’s get ready to rumble’ music, and flashed the lights and the kids ran down the auditorium.

And then the battle began.

As team captain, he was the official answer giver.

For the answer, they had to state the book and then the author. Tucker made flashcards with the authors on them, and we went over them daily, he knew them all front words and backwards.

They missed one question, then their confidence began to ‘wain’, then they missed a another.

Unfortunately, the other team had their answers perfect.
You can tell that by watching the kids at the table, they began to sink lower and lower in their chairs. They got all the rest right, and fought hard!

They did fight a good fight, and almost won the battle!

Second place is an excellent place to be!

They were amazing, and I am so proud of him, and the work he put into this battle~

Following this ‘battle’, was the All-Star Team vs. the Teachers,

Earlier in the week he’d been sent a special invite to be part of this team!

He was sitting in the very back of the huddle circle. So it was hard to get a good pic of him.

and his team(the students) DID WIN the teachers!

The two third graders chosen to represent, on the All Star team: Tucker and his good friend Andrea.

I think it’s obvious to say, that he is already looking forward to next years battle.

So proud of you Tucker James and of your hard work!

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Celebrating with the Greene’s

The next day, the parties continued, as we celebrated with the Greene’s!

Corned beef and cabbage for dinner, then brownies for desert.

Presents and singing included.

(I forgot my camera, but thankfully, Toph had his phone, so a few blurry pics and video will have to do!)

And that is the end of celebrating Tru! 🙂

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Trumans SEVEN year old birthday party!

The day after his birthday, Truman decided to have a ‘friend’ party with his cousins in Logan.
Unfortunately Michael wasn’t able to be there, thankfully Owen was!

Truman decided to go to Chuck-a-rama, and so we gathered up all the family that was at Christopher’s parents house, and off we went!

Then afterwords Cathrine and her boyfriend Lo, did some soccer drills and a soccer game for the activity. (Thanks again guys!)

AS you can hear from the video, it was a little windy and cold.

Then presents!

Playing with presents:

Playing with the favors:

It was a great party,and just what Truman wanted!
Thanks Logan Family!

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Running to meet her brothers.

A beautiful sight.

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Still love everyday, dressing up this little ‘doll’.

She is just so pretty, and usually loves to get her hair done, and her ‘pretties’ put in.

Love having so much pink around.

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Happy Birthday Truman!

How did it happen, our little tru-bee is 7!!!!

Traditional Birthday Breakfast

Doughnuts and Mush.

And first birthday present of his dream bey-blade!

We pulled Truman out of Class to see his brother participate in Battle of the Books (see future post)

and then got to go back in a little later in the afternoon to celebrate happy birthday with him, and goodbye to his student teacher Mrs. Faux

He returned home to a few birthday cards and envelopes from Grandparents and Greatgrandparents

And then off to Logan we went, to celebrate with the Phillips Family.

The weather was wonderful, the kids played outside for a few minutes,
Truman’s favorite: soccer

The younger crowd found the tractor and rocking horse.

And Elliot did some dangerous building climbing (ha!)

Then we came inside for Pizza, and cake and ice-cream.

The kids

Grandma made this awesome soccer cake for him.

Opening presents including a shirt from Dallin Paul.

SEVEN YEARS OLD, and time goes by so fast! SO grateful to celebrate with Truman.

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What’s a little girl to do?

When her mom won’t paint her fingernails?

Go find dad.
He’ll do it.
(her first time getting nail polish on!)

She doesn’t look overly interested in this video, but believe me, she was yelping about the nail polish before and after…And for the rest of the day, she walked around with her fingers straight out and looking at them.
Funny girl!

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I’m so pretty!

So very, pretty!

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