
VALENTINES here we come!

A holiday about love? What’s not to love? This year we are trying something new…I sewed up some bags, we’ve hung them in our living room, and now we’ve got our selves some ‘love sacs’. They have been up and are all ready being filled with treats and love notes,

Elliot has made notes with Stickers and watercoloring,

Tucker has spent his classroom dollars to buy treasures for each member of the family-

Truman carefully writes love notes to everyone, with pictures.

And Toph and I have been leaving little surprises for the kids every few days.

And of course, we’ve writing the valentines…Amy found these, aren’t they perfect? Robots!!

And did you see what is says under the word ‘to:’?

My human friend. How cute is that?

And of course I may have eaten some candy hearts. Quite possibly my favorite part about valentines.
Love is in the air! Hurray for Valentines!


a Hairy situation

I’m still learning this little girl hair thing…

We’ve been doing lots of headbands..


Some barrettes..

and I finally tried some little piggies..

Like anything else, this is going to take some practice!


Elliot partied to hard in Nursery,

I know because he didn’t even last 15 minutes into our Sunday Afternoon Show of Veggie-Tales.
Either that or they spiked the goldfish 🙂


Being a big kid…

This young man has made it very clear, he is done sitting in his ‘high chair/booster’, and now eats all meals like this:

He discovered the stepping stool whilst helping me cook, and now everything is done whilst standing here.

I’ve tried putting him on the stools next to his brothers to sit, but he doesn’t like it there, and insists that he eat standing up.

He’s only two, but he is very capable of letting us know how he likes things. What a funny, funny boy.

(And yes, his pants were wet from walking and sitting in the snow, so he enjoyed his hot cocoa and mac’n’cheese with out them!Lately that’s how all lunches are-)

At least this cute little dirty face let’s me know he’s not all the way grown up…

And maybe this one too. 🙂


Imaginary Armies…

Hours, building, playing, and ‘war-ing’ (here’s the guys left after the ‘war’.)



Legos have to be among some of the best toys ever invented.


Out comes the Camera…and the sillies.

Occasionally when the camera gets pulled out the kids go crazy wanting their pictures taken. When Tucker had his picture taken in his scout uniform the other day, it was one of those days. The other two boys couldn’t get enough of the camera.
There was stunts, and laughter, and silliness.

And yes, Elliot is eating a carrot and marshmallows. We’re all about a well balanced diet. Ha!


A Cub Scout Promise

In addition to being baptized at the age of 8, you also get to start CUB SCOUTS!

Here’s our scouter all dressed and ready for his first Den Meeting:

And a video of the Cub Scout Promise

Untitled from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.

I, Tucker, promise
To do my DUTY to GOD
And my Country
To HELP other people, and
To OBEY the LAW of the Pack

And he’s already trying to pass off everything he can in his scout book. The kid is on fire, and at this rate, he’ll be finished with the book by next month. Seriously.


‘Baby in the Hood’

I don’t know why, but Lorelei loves to sleep with things over her face. Makes this mother nervous.

This day I went and pulled the hood off like four times, and it kept falling over her face, and on the fifth time, I noticed her fingers, looks like she’s totally flashing some type of sign.
Mind you this happened the same day as the robot sweater, so I was already a little giggly, and this just set me over the edge, and I laughed for like 10 minutes over it, made cleaning the bathroom a much more enjoyable experience.


Sweaters from Holiday’s past

Over three years ago, we bought this Halloween Sweater for Tucker, as a clearance item… We saved it, and gave it to him for his birthday, and he LOVED it, wore it everywhere, and as odd as it looks, it became ‘common’ for us to see him put on his sweater and zip down the hood. So much so, that it wouldn’t phase us when we went places, and he’d zip up his sweater and hood, and walk around the store. It wasn’t until we’d hear a line of laughter behind us, that’d I’d realize Tucker was wearing his sweater, because it is so unique. When the time came when he finally out grew it (and when I say outgrew it, I mean, the arms on the sweater instead of being at his wrists were closer to his elbows, and it REALLY no longer fit him), we put it in the too small box, and said goodbye to it.

Enter winter time this year, as I pulled down warmer clothes for Truman to wear. I found the sweater among a stack of warmer clothes, and hung them in his closet. Now, Truman takes great pride in dressing himself, and matching his outfits. He dresses himself right before going to school, then putting on his winter coat, giving me goodbye kisses and heading out the door, with the other neighborhood kids. So it’s not uncommon for me to not see the shirts he’s wearing, as they’re zipped under his winter coat as he heads out the door. Enter Wednesday of last week, when I see this walking across the field to me after a completed day of kindergarten. Let’s just say the ‘common-ness’ element of the sweater had worn off, and I literally giggled the whole way home from school as we walked together, and couldn’t keep a straight face.

Days like this, I love, love, love being a mom. And getting to experience the ‘common’ moments of the day.


Cute, Cute Video

Again, Toph found this video , and this little girl just is so DARLING!