A holiday about love? What’s not to love? This year we are trying something new…I sewed up some bags, we’ve hung them in our living room, and now we’ve got our selves some ‘love sacs’. They have been up and are all ready being filled with treats and love notes,
Elliot has made notes with Stickers and watercoloring,
Tucker has spent his classroom dollars to buy treasures for each member of the family-
Truman carefully writes love notes to everyone, with pictures.
And Toph and I have been leaving little surprises for the kids every few days.
And of course, we’ve writing the valentines…Amy found these, aren’t they perfect? Robots!!
And did you see what is says under the word ‘to:’?
My human friend. How cute is that?
And of course I may have eaten some candy hearts. Quite possibly my favorite part about valentines.
Love is in the air! Hurray for Valentines!