Here is how many people share the same name as us — in theory, after entering Tuckers Name, I am not too sure! 🙂
Tucker (apparently Tucker Doesn’t Exist..awesome…):
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Here is how many people share the same name as us — in theory, after entering Tuckers Name, I am not too sure! 🙂
Tucker (apparently Tucker Doesn’t Exist..awesome…):
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Hey Sweetie-
I was looking for scripture mastery youtube videos this morning and came across this:
Thanks for being my – thanks for being my Disney girl!
me: What girl doesn’t want to be a disney girl?!?! Thanks honey, love you!!
For those of you who haven’t heard, our church has recently released a new branch of its website, that has disability specific information, to help make our church more accessible to people with disabilities. Christopher has served on a committee to help create and launch this information, I know that he hopes and prays it will be a great resource to those who need it, and after reading it, I know it will.
Here it is.
So, I love three day weekends, that end with Mondays with NOTHING planned.
It is so much fun to relax together all 4 of us, as a family, not trying to squeeze too many things in. We didn’t do anything overly exciting, but it was a great day for our family of four.
All Tucker wanted to do on Monday was decorate the Robot Track with Treasures, and make a movie. Easy to do! Here it is:
Toph and the boys shoveled and played in the snow. (Yes, Toph created a gigantic sledding hill in our front yard, that doesn’t look so gigantic in this picture).
Getting warm with Hot Cocoa
While the boys were having quiet time, I had some creative time, making fridge magnets for our big Relief Society lesson this week, I love having time to be creative and having a creative outlet…
Of course what is a good day without a good read?
In my quest for better FHE treats, we made Chocolate Cupcakes (as per Tru’s request, Chocolate a boy with my tastes)…
More delicious and more fun, YES!!!
Less Messy, NO!!! (let it be said, that I did tell him he could lick the bowl clean, but this is NOT what I meant!)
I Love You, All 3 of my Sweethearts, But especially thanks to Hubba for making it a great weekend, spending time with you makes me wish every weekend was a three day weekend. *Muwah*
A few days in the past week, Truman has done this himself. I just lay his clothes out on his bed for him, and he gets himself dressed, usually he comes up looking like this (shirts, pants, underwear ALL on backwards–at least he is consistent):
But he is dressing himself, I am not going to complain! What a big boy you are my 2 year old!!!!
As I have mentioned before, reading was a struggle for me as a child. So, watching my children discover the English Language is truly delightful for me, and truthfully thrills me deep into my soul.
This week, we made plans to go to the new Veggie Tales Movie after Tucker worked hard for over a month to fill his good behavior noodle jar. We talked and talked about it. So when he asked me how to write movie, I told him, I was surprised to see this:
I guess so we wouldn’t forget Tucker climbed on my desk,and wrote it on my calendar.
I love that he gets that letters make sounds! And that when you combine those letters it give them the meaning of the words! And that a Calendar is a literary place, where you schedule things. I know, weird that it makes me so happy, but it does. I love to see my children learn…
literally a sponge, he is absorbing everything around him, constantly learning by watching things around him. It makes you so happy as a parent when you see your child act positively in a situation, that you know could ‘set them off’.
Today at Nursery, another little boy dumped the pitcher of water in Trumans lap, soaking him completely, instead of being angry when I asked him about it, he told me the story, then he reassured me that it was just an accident, and that the other little boy was just trying to help.
Also, Truman is becoming an avid reader, and absorbing the vocabulary from these books. I love when he talks and says things that we have read about in books!
When he gets up in the morning and after quiet time, he always bringing me up books to read to him. His favorites right now are the Maisy series, Bernstein Bears, and pirate books. He could have books read to him all day, I think. Someday we will have to try it…
Sounds like a perfect day to me…
The Evelyn’s were down for a wedding, so Mikey and Madalyn were able to come and play with us for a few hours! It was so much fun, the boys wanted to hold “baby Madalyn” and just take care of her, Madalyn was fine with it at first, but by the time I got the camera, she didn’t want to have anything to do with it! (she was happy the rest of the time!)
Having older cousins is rough on a little girl! It was fun to have a little baby around again,
and of course the boys just ran and played together, and naturally had a good time!
Also, this weekend we went to Sunday Dinner with the Greene Fam, and of course the little Greene kids were there, so the kids ran and played and had a good time there too! Cousins are so much fun!
Here is matchy matchy Tuck and Ike–
I LOVE being so close to family, until you move away, you don’t realize the blessing of having a family close. Close enough to see and be with. Did I mention that I love our families? Love you guys, all of you!
Our lives changed this last summer, with the simple discovery of “treasures”.
It all began last summer up at the River with the Phillips family, the day we made stepping stones for their trees.
Grandma and Grandpa Phillips brought up little glass stones to place in their stepping stones, and afterwords, a few were left over, which then got put in the sandbox, and the children dug around for them, finding them was like finding a treasure. Hence the name.
Tucker brought a few treasures home, which he placed very carefully in special spots so they wouldn’t get lost.
The joy of treasures was renewed when on Christmas Truman gave Tucker a bag of “treasures”, and Tucker was thrilled.
With a new remembrance of these special things, he started to save his money, and then purchased 2 more bags from the dollar store.
My first thoughts were “Rocks? What are you going to do with these little stones?”
Well He lines them up, makes smiley faces, plays a bowling like game with them and just loves to play with them. Also, he can’t wait for the snow to melt, so he can place them in his sandbox, which I am sure Truman will love, because lately he loves to be a pirate, and what pirate doesn’t love digging for buried treasure?