Our neighbors, and our children’s good friend just a had a birthday party at Cabelas, Toph and I got to come along, and it was such a great party.
It was especially fun to see the kids at the shooting range.
We’d never done anything like that with the boys before, but are definetly going back! Thanks for the fun night neighbors!
Month: March 2010
ONE really is so much fun,
But truth be told, it also is ALOT of messes.
Lunch with Dad.
Since Tuck is in school all day now, it’s harder to get to lunch with dad, and most often is reserved for days when all children are out of school.
Then one day, I realized, I had nothing pressing on the calendar, and if I left right then, we could still make it home before Tuck was out.
So off we went.
It’s always so much fun to have lunch with dad,
especially when dessert is Ice-Cream…and you can choose from so many delicious toppings!
A happy sight walking back to the car, cute, cute boys.
It’s a race…
When this little guy wakes up in the early afternoon from his naps…
It’s a race to see who can get there first…Truman
or Tucker.
Or sometimes I find all three giggling and reading books together in the crib.
Love, love, loving this phase.
(And yes, in case you were wondering, right now Elliot is obsessed with wearing just his diaper and his shoes. Can you blame him, those are pretty cute shoes! And yes, he does sleep with like 3 blankets, ten hundred books, and one thousand stuffed animals. If I pull them out of his bed, somedays he will just sign ‘more’ and point to his friends. But I always try to empty it out. 🙂 )
A good visit from Cousins,
One Saturday Night the Evelyns surprised us with a quick visit. We couldn’t have been more thrilled, we love having guests!! They stayed overnight and came to church with us. (and even brought the game Mouse Trap to play with us!)
Of course, we loved all our time with them, but Truman and Tucker especially loved having cousins come to primary, and have been asking ever since if ALL of their cousins can come to primary with them! 🙂
Come again Evelyns!
The tale of the Pinata…
I was going to post this with Truman’s birthday party, but decided the pinata needed it’s own post.
We have found that Macey’s grocery store is the place to get inexpensive Pinatas, and most the time we can find something to tweak to fit our theme.
This is the pinata that Tru chose:
We filled it with Candy:
And it didn’t take long for Elliot to realize what we were stuffing in the Pinata:
Once it was stuffed, Toph helped us to ‘re-decorate’ the pinata–into the bad guy. And placed in our room, in the party pile.
And there ‘he’ resided, and proceeded to SCARE me like 10 times a day.
I’ve never been so glad to see a pinata go away.
Merry Christmas To ME.
At Christmas time (before Eli was weaned), it felt like it had been ages since I’d spent more than 30 minutes by myself. And I know Christopher noticed, so as a Christmas gift, I received the perfect present from my husband–A day for just me.
Come mid-march, there were no sick children, no meetings Christopher couldn’t miss, and my schedule was clear.
So my day was planned. Christopher took the day off from work, took over the parental duties..and I was sent off in my car, with envelopes (that contained information of when and where to go), a snack container, and strict instructions to follow my husbands written instructions.
It was a magical, relaxing, refreshing, fulfilling and completely wonderful day.
Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for being married to such a thoughtful and wonderful man. Thank you again Christopher for such a perfect present.
As you know, last year,Tru had a superhero party, I had no idea Tru would want another party. So my super hero ideas had been used, and what other super party favor can you give the guest besides capes and eyewear?
So, with my creative juices previously exhausted, I did my best, to celebrate our caped crusader for his Fifth Birthday and celebrate the wonderful superhero that he is (and anyone who knows Truman, knows this is not a hard thing to do)!
The guests arrived dressed as their favorite superheroes:
We had to find some clues, using their superhero skills, to find out where the birthday candy had been hidden.
First we played games with the balloons, and then popped them to find clues inside of them.
Next we took our clues to the ‘superhero base’, and put them on our ‘superhero screen’, so we could figure out which superhero was going to help us, and we narrowed it down to one…Captain America.
Once we knew which superhero it was, we needed to get ready. We exercise our super hero skills, by doing an obstacle course
And decorated our super bags.
Once we were warmed up, it was time to find Captain America, we used the clues we had, and put together a puzzle.
(Art work by Toph) and this gave us our final clue: ‘the candy is in the cubby!’.
And sure enough, it was there waiting to be broken open!
A party wouldn’t be a party with out cake and ice-cream. Blowing out the candles
And lastly presents.
Truman had a wonderful day,
and we’re grateful for all of those who helped us to make it so!
Spring, Spring, Spring.
Elliot is loving the spring weather.
He has new (to him) toys to play with, and ride outside.
More people outside for him to watch playing, from his window (whilst he is playing).
Neighbors new baby chicks to play with,
Boys and the Chicks from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.
Truman loves the chicks too..
And as you can see in the video, Elliot really wanted the chick from him!
The battle wounds have started for Truman, he’s continuously had a scrape or bruise on his face from his shenanigans outside.
Tucker has taken off right where he left off with his bike. He’s been racing around the sidewalk on his bike.
He also hasn’t given up his quest to earn money, and with a few kids from the neighborhood they sold Rocks (I keep thinking, he’s going to be deterred, when he nothing happens, but it wasn’t this time…they made money)
A great time of year, looking forward to more adventures outside.
More Love, than perfection.
For me, my blog is a record. A visual record, a place for me to return too. I am sure someday, I am going to want to remember this quilt:
A present for Tuck’s teacher, for teacher appreciation week. A way to tell her thank you for the hard work she does daily in teaching our children.
And I know I am going to want to remember the darling square Tuck did.
A robot of course.
Each student made a square, with love–and they are perfect. But my sewing skills, and my sewing machine, were not perfect. 🙂
But it is made with love, and hopefully will be a nice keepsake of her first year of teaching.