
Yet another reason why I am not cut out to live on a ‘real’ farm…

Last night in the wee hours (read 2:30 AM) I heard the sound of our chicken coop, slamming shut and a tiny little cluck from Goose, one of our chicken.

Immediately after hearing that, I sat up quickly in bed, and smacked Christopher in the process, exclaiming, ‘the chickens!’. He understood, grabbed a shirt, ran outside, to find our neighbors dog had broken through our back fence, and made his way INSIDE THE COOP, where the dog was found by Christopher, still inside the coop going after Clementine.

We were not quick enough to save Goose, but Clementine was spared.

Truth be told, the moment of telling the boys this morning that there friend Goose was gone, was hideous. They were sad. I realized yet again, that our chickens were/are part of our family. Not just livestock. That’s why I am not cut out to be a ‘pioneer woman’, I grow attached the things that are around me.

The saddest part of all, since chicken’s are social animals, Clementine won’t be happy by herself. We are going to see if we can make arrangements for her to be re-united with Abner up at the farm.

So it seems for now, our journey with chickens is coming to an end, what a beautiful year it has been.


Cabin + Phillips = a grand adventure…

We spent the weekend with the Phillips Family at my grandparents cabin (Thanks again Grandma and Grandpa!).

Before Christophers’ Family arrived(everyone besides the MI Phillips was able to come, we missed you guys!), the kids went on snowmobile rides (on which Tucker majorly freaked out when the snowmobile got stuck, because his feet got cold, I could hear them crying from the cabin but did not know what was wrong…and became worried, but obviously, everything worked out to be just fine 🙂 )

As always, the cabin is a magical place, and a wonderful place to make memories.

It is so fun to be there with family, and cousins.

There were a few nature walks,

There was some hot tubbing:

Some Happy Birthday-ing:

(Cat made another wonderful candy cake!)

I think it’s fair to state, that a great time was had by all, and as usual, the boys cried when we left. All good things must come to an end, right?


At the Carwash, YEAH!

Our neighbor got a new ‘kids carwash set’ for his birthday.

The weather was good, so they worked together to make up a line up of their vehicles, (scooters, bikes, trikes, and the gator)

and got to work.

Till it was all clean,

It was so cute to see them working so hard, and can you imagine the fun they’re going to have with this set this summer?

And Elliot got to hang out with some of his favorite friends whilst I was taking pictures, Jamie and Bear.

Elliot and Bear are about the same age, Bear is bigger than Eli now, but someday he’ll catch up!


Toph Claims, ‘What Elliot really wanted was…

A Tongue Piercing.’ What he got was a huge hole in his tongue.
How it happened? Going down the stairs, on his belly, with his tongue out. He hit his chin, and bit through his tongue.

Thankfully the tongue wasn’t dangling, (there was still a little flesh on both sides of the cut), so no stitches were necessary.

It bled pretty badly though. Once the bleeding was controlled he ate lots and lots of popsicles.

Thankfully tongue wounds heal quickly.


Oh happy day,

Over a month ago, my cell phone went missing.

I searched the house very thoroughly. Apparently, I forgot to check one place.

Inside the Creepy Crawler Bug Maker Machine. How it got in there? I have no idea!

It is so nice to have my cell phone back again!!!


Happy St. Patty’s Day!

The Leprechauns may or may not have been as mischievous this year…

They did change the boys oatmeal to green. But other than that, we didn’t really know that they were around at our home.
Our cute neighbors made these shirts for the boys, don’t they look so cute in their green?

Of course we had to have our traditional corn beef and cabbage…

Elliot might have gotten pinched, with out his green on, if he wasn’t such a cutie!

(Plus his momma was keeping him safe from his big brothers little fingers….)


Celebrating Truman {With our Family}

As It’s been said, you only turn FIVE once, right? So we couldn’t help celebrate this sweet boy.

He’d previously taken birthday donuts to share with his classmates, and was given the birthday crown to wear. Which he did for almost the whole day.

And when the big day finally arrived, he was excited to listen to HIS music on his mp3 player,

His breakfast of choice? Cheesey Eggs, Bacon and Toast. We opened presents.

For Lunch, his request was to go and eat with Tucker. (Makes my heart sing, that his is his request..sweet brothers) So lunch was provided a la School cafeteria, and Tuckers class even sang happy birthday to him.

And then we had to go play on the playground. Truman loved being with the big kids.

And for a special treat, he asked to watch a movie with Elliot,

Elliot wasn’t so interested, but Truman loved the idea of it.

Dad made it home early from work, and we were off to celebrate the ‘pirate way’.

Arg Matey.

Land lubbers.


We ate some pizza,

Some pirates (whom Truman was a tad bit frightened) sang happy birthday

Played a few games

(Eli figure out how to play skee ball)

Then we said goodbye to being pirates,

And as promised to Truman, we were off to the Nickle Arcade, where the boys were in heaven,

Especially Truman.

Eliott mostly wanderered around trying to figure out the crazy carpet.

And with their last nickels, they decided to play big bass. And you’ll never believe what happened.

They won the 1,000 ticket bonus.

And they were pleased as punch, able to get whatever toys they wanted.

What a perfect way to end the day…So glad to celebrate this five year old. We are so blessed to have him in our lives.


Our Very own Bag Boy.

Toph put this ‘hat’ on Elliot,

and he then proceeded to wear it around the house.

When it came off, he’d try to put it back on.

Surprisingly, he wore it for quite awhile…

But not surprisingly: Eli’s so cute, he can pull off any look, even a paper bag!


With Love, the Primary.

Truman’s gift from his primary leaders….

A Cake. His very own cake. With his name on it.

He was so excited to get it, and then promptly came home, cut it into pieces to share with everyone.

What a sweetie. And again, what a great primary we have.


With this Chalk,

We’ve officially welcomed in spring. Yeah, yeah, yeah for the powdery messes to come.