One thing I have been horrible at, is keeping up with the family birthday wishes, so I apologize, and hope my family will forgive me, in birthday order, I missed the following Birthdays:

Two of the cutest girls I know. Ava is still getting to know us, as we don’t see her as often as we like, but I love the little side glances she always gives her Uncle Toph as he tries to convince her of his ‘awesomeness’. She is a sweetheart, and beautiful too.
And Emily. We share a name, and she is truely one of the most talented woman I know. She can make applesauce like no ones business (my kids LOVE it), she is so easy going, (what kid is not going to love that?), she makes the best playdough (you guessed it, my kids love that too!) and is full of kindness and compassion. And I’ll never forget our adventures as ‘roomies’. Remember those good times Em?

Is the kind of person everyone should know. She spoils my kids rotten, came to stay with us when Truman was born, to lend a helping hand, is so caring and wants to help everyone. She makes me laugh, and knows me well and loves me, even with all of my idiosyncrasies. She is loving and kind to all she meets.

Is a handsome little man, and someone that we wished we lived closer too. If you just look at his smile, you just get sucked in don’t you? While visiting this summer, we all fell in love with him and his handsome smile. He’s got a killer laugh too.

An amazing man. He and his wife, Becca, have designed their home, and he is going to build it. He can fix things. He raised his own pigs and slaughtered them (that’s huge in my book). He truly is one of those people who you are just amazed by all that they can do. My boys love him, especially because he taught them about Noogies. (thanks Uncle Mike 🙂 )
Happy Birthday Family, I am so lucky to be married to a man who’s family is terrific. Love you guys, and hope your birthday was great, and you’ll forgive me for my belated birthday-ness.