Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

Lunch Date

Friday afternoon we had a memorable lunch with daddy.
One thing I miss, since Toph has relocated to SLC, is our frequent lunches. When he worked just down the street, literally 4 minutes away, it was easy to get to him, with little planning. Now he is nearly 45 minutes away, our lunches are not as frequent, but let me tell you, they are a lot better in quality… I present our lunch, courtesy of the hard workers in the Church Cafeteria.
It was fate that we should have lunch there that day, you see they were serving Sausage and Sauerkraut. One of my favorite meals.
Truman himself choose out a “dog-dog”,
And of course, Tucker’s obvious choice was a meat and cheese sandwich. In his opinion, it’s the climax of all foods.
Let me state some of the reasons it was so memorable. Yes the food was delicious, but that’s not the only reason.
Every Friday, the cafeteria says that if you guess the correct weight/price of your icecream, you get it free. So, of course we got two of them, and I had no idea how much things weigh, so I left that to Toph. And let me tell you, I am married to the man who apparently has an hidden talent. He has won two weeks in a row. I was there, and witnessed it with my own eyes, and heard them ring the little bell. My husband is a champion. 🙂
The next reason it was so memorable was because of the things Tucker said. I don’t think I have laughed this hard in a long time.
The first thing he said just caught me off guard. We sat in a little alcove type area, where they have pictures of the First Presidency, as well as the Quorum of the Twelves Apostles pictures up. We looked, and noticed they had made the changes that had happened at conference, but the new Apostles pictures had not been put up yet. Tucker looked at them, and noticed there was not 12. He leaned over to me, in kind of quiet voice said. “Mom, I know why their pictures are not all up. Remember that one, who sold Jesus? (Meaning Judas Iscariot), I bet they took his picture down.” We might need to cover that Modern day Prophets and Apostles topic again!
The next thing he said was so funny, that Topher and I couldn’t stop laughing to tell him to speak quietly. (Actually, I kind of giggle while I am writing this). First let me preface this statement with my opinion: Kids have a different view of the world and people than we do. It is our jobs as parents to try to teach them how to act appropriately in public settings, and I am afraid, I didn’t do very good with this one.
Tuck: Dad did you see that guy?
Toph: Which guy Tuck?
Tuck: That guy who just went past. He had bum on his head.
Toph: I didn’t, but I wish I did, (kind of chuckling).
Tuck: Yeah, he went right around that corner.
Toph: Oh? (Still chuckling, trying not to laugh hard)
We continue eating, Toph and I are looking at each other from across the table, mouthing the words ‘bum on his head’, and trying not to laugh about this phrase, when Tucker looks up from his food, and spys the man again.
Tuck: (In a louder voice now) Look there he is, the guy with the bum head.
I admit. I couldn’t get it under control. I giggled like a silly school girl, so much so that I couldn’t tell my son to speak quietly. But if you would’ve seen this man, with a roll of neck fat underneath his bald head, Tucker’s description was a good one. Luckily, the man was far enough away I don’t think he heard him. Still, another topic to be covered. Speaking quietly, while appreciating peoples diversity. So overall, you can see why Lunch dates are definitely good times with dad.

3 replies on “Lunch Date”

Sausage & Sauerkraut is one of your favorite meals???? Well, I don’t know about that, but ice cream does look delicious :). That’s awesome that Christopher guessed the weight 2 weeks in a row! What a funny boy Tucker is.

I just laughed and laughed until my eyes watered. How funny is that? Kids are so honest. I can see how easy it is to get all the church stories mixed up! My nephew had a lesson on Sunday about Jonah and when my sister asked him what his lesson was on he said, “Jesus and the Dolphin”.

I laughed so hard at your bum head story. I love it. And sometimes it is so hard to stop yourself from laughing long enough to teach your kids…not to say such things. Lizzy has had a few zingers as well and I am so bad at keeping a straight face. I’m glad you wrote it down.

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