Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

“We got ourselves a Nodder”…

(Do you love the goggles on his head while he sleeps? Funny boy!) So I forgot about this phase where dreams are reality in their little minds, and poor Truman cannot differentiate between the two of them. Luckily for us, we have not had too many wake up screaming in the night, nightmares; but it has been interesting to listen to Trumans comments over the past few days. He has said a couple of things, that I know he believes that are obviously dreams, here are my favorites.
1–We were driving in our car early one morning, when Truman said, Hurray, there is not a big hole in the car, daddy fixed it! Yeah for daddy.
2–Truman woke up and had eaten breakfast before Tucker had awoken. When Tucker came up the stairs, he said, “Tucker’s alive! He fell in hole, and then in a mud, and then in a tree, but now he is alive! Hurray!”
The other thing that cracks me up is somehow we have gotten in a silly game/pattern of pretending to be asleep. I don’t know how it started, but it is a funny game. The whole family is involved, and quite frequently the boys will rush down to bed at night, lay down, and say…”Honk, Shoe, Honk, Shoe” Pretending to be asleep. When an adult enters the room, we joke saying, “Oh good, the boys are asleep, we don’t need to read stories” And then the boys begin giggling…
These boys keep us smiling.

One reply on ““We got ourselves a Nodder”…”

That is so cute and funny. I had to call Ken over to read those stories…aren’t little kids just a riot!

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