Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

Bagging, Playing, Bagging, Raking, Bagging

So, as much as I hate raking and bagging leaves, I sure do love watching my children play in them.
It almost makes it worth having so many leaves, almost.
I count myself as a blessed woman to have 2 happy and healthy boys,
and seeing them running and jumping into piles of leaves, seeing their glowing faces, in pure joy, brightened my Saturday, and made the task of bagging 21 bags of leaves, a little more enjoyable.
As predicted, we had a gargantuan pile of leaves.
We bagged most of them, but left some out for the boys to play in. And play they did.
They brought over the lawn chairs, and jumped in…
and I got a few shots of the boys, I know they have dirty faces,
and now I started to look at them, I almost wish I had cleaned them, but then I began to think. That is not how we were. We caught them in the action of being boys. That was how our day was. A working day, out raking the leaves.
My boys:
The fam:
The boys “helped” alot, including hauling the bagged leaves to the side of our house:
Making Disneyland rides:
And playing on their new “Playground”
(For my own purposes the bag count: 16 previous bags, and the 21 from this Saturday, that puts our total at 37 Bags)
As you can see, we spent the majority of the day with the leaves.
It has been a long time since all 4 of us have been in the same place for that long of a time. So maybe, instead of looking at these leaves as a burden, I need to look at them as a blessing. Something that has brought our family closer together.
Maybe that can be a goal for next year, cause man. I still hate those leaves.

3 replies on “Bagging, Playing, Bagging, Raking, Bagging”

I am jealous of your leaves! We have never lived somewhere that had a lot of leaves to play in and doing that is one of my favorite childhood memories…. so enjoy them for us, too! And just think of how much fun it will be for your boys to remember the great times they had in those leaves – and hey, in a few more years they can be the ones doing most of the raking!! 🙂

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