Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

the Happiest of Halloween!

(This is a Novel…sorry, I should have broken it up a bit!)
Anyone who knows Tucker and Truman will not be surprised by this post, for two reasons.
First, Tucker has one obsession, that has stayed true for months now. It is Robots, so naturally, when our neighbor found a picture of a robot costume, Tucker talked of nothing else.
Secondly, anyone who has been around my boys for more than a minute, knows that Truman follows and idolizes Tucker. So again, naturally, if Tucker is being a robot, he MUST be one too.
With the decision made, we started to make the costumes (because there are not to many robot costumes out there for the purchasing). The boys helped make them, and had a great time doing it.
They talked and talked and talked about them, to anyone who would listen.
We were ready, as our first costume party approaches.
When it is finally time to put them all together and leave out the door, they have decide that they HATE the costumes, and don’t want to wear them. (Important note, these strong feelings of hate are coming mostly from Tucker, but of course, Truman emulates everything his brother does, so he also hates the costume.)
After alot of talking and cohersion, Topher convinces them they should wear them at least one time, and with a sigh of relief, we’re off to the great grandparents and then the party with our two little robots.
As soon as we arrive at the party, we have our picture taken
(I am a robot Medic, and Toph is a nerdy robot engineer)
After the picture, the boys promptly ask to take off the costumes.
They have not been worn since. So I am posting these pictures here, so my boys can remember how much their parents love them, and hopefully look back someday, and wish they could still fit into those costumes! Because honestly, they are wicked awesome!
On a brighter note, the day before Halloween, Tucker has his school program, which he actually sung at! I was so proud of him, he usually just yawns, and sings occasionally. Before it started they announced that there was going to be a spook allley, and for the first few minutes, and after every song, he would look at me, and ask if it was time to go to the spook alley. During the program, he did have one or two yawns, but mostly he sang! He was the best Red Ranger I have ever seen, and Tru had to dress up as a frog.
Here are a few video clips, Truman was climbing on and off my lap as I was filming, and I have never be known to do things straight so you still might get a little sea sick 🙂 Watch at your own risk. (you need quicktime video to watch)
That last one is the funniest. In case you can’t hear, he says, “Now its time to go to the Spook Alley for sure!”
Grams and Issac came for the performance, and stayed for the carnival. (we only got this blurry pic)
A great time was had by all.
Halloween Came, and surprise, we had a change of costume again. It is a hard thing to make up your mind when you are 4 and 2 years old! Tucker decided to be a dragon
(the costume by the way that was almost too small last year, was way too small this year)
and Truman decided to be a power ranger.

We had a great time trick or treating at the park with Hinckley,
then later that evening around the ward with Aunt Amy
While Toph stayed at home to pass out the candy.
We all are now on Sugar overload, and having happy memories of our indecisive trick or treaters.
A great year of Halloween has now to come to a close.

2 replies on “the Happiest of Halloween!”

You’re such a patient mom. I would have said, “That’s just tough! We worked hard on these costumes. You’re gonna wear them and you’re gonna like it! Now go get some candy.”

Tucker & Truman- I like your costumes, all of them :). Also Tucker, Owen has loved watching you sing your Halloween songs.

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