Emily Life

Happy Veterans Day…

to us all. Especially the brave men and women who have fought for our country, including my Grandpa Greene.

Love you Grandpa!

Elliot Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker Uncategorized

Halloween Events!

We took a few pictures before the Ward Soup-Tacular, a fun church event where you bring your muffin tins and a crock pot of your favorite soup, and taste a little bit of lots of peoples! It was so much fun!

TRUMAN (Hercules):

Tucker (Sock Monkey):

Truman’s Preschool Program and carnival
Took this before we left, Love these Hercules Muscles:

Truman was glad Grams was able to come(and so was I, it is always nice to be with my momma):

They always have so many fun games:

The classic Cake Walk:

Blow up toys

Cotton Candy

And of course, buckets and buckets of CANDY!

And honestly, I love the program they put on.

They do the cutest things, you can watch a few clips below!

Tuckers school party and parade
This is how he went to school, with his banana butt hanging out of his bag:

And wanted to take a picture like this, because this is how sock monkeys sit:

I was able to go the class party, what a good teacher Tucker has, and how fun to be in the classroom, we played Bingo, did an art project, Halloween Freeze, and ghost bowling.
Class Photshoot (can you see the girl in the top left corner? Yeah, she’s Rainbow Bright. Wicked Awesome!)

And the classroom parade:

and a great song tucker started singing in the garage, adn I couldn’t get him to sing again later, sorry about the bad quality! 🙂

Visiting the Great Grandparents, Greenes, and Ikey, Belle, and Eleanor
Great Grandpa Greene, look at how handsome he is, and that big smile. I love this man.

And the Great Hunsakers, who we are happy they are almost moved into the Condo, so we’ll get to see them more! While we were there, I noticed Grandma had a plaque, that said, “There’s no place like home, unless it’s Grandma’s.” So True, So True.

On the way home, we picked up Toph, and he took this picture of Tucker, while I was driving. He was trying to scare people. I don’t think sock monkeys are scary, do you?

Trick or treating

More pictures coming later
And yes, the shirt Truman LOVES (and wears practically year round), has been worn now on Halloween, and can finally be put up in the box for when baby brother gets to be a bit bigger.

A great Halloween season again comes to an end!

Elliot Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

Happy, Happy Halloween!

You better believe there is more details and pics to come, but for now, we are wishing you a wonderful day, full of SUGAR,



Because these are the favorite things at our house this holiday, and we like it that way.

Elliot Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

Carving of the Pumpkins

The annual pumpkin carving at grams and gramps, with the Greenes, Amy and Eric. Gramps entertain Eleanor, while Grams made the yummy pumpkin seeds, and helped wash the pumpkin guts off the grandkids hands. And the rest of us, we carved.

Have I mentioned I HEART pumpkins?

Elliot Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

Fall Break.

Now that Tucker is in school, we are a slave to the district school schedule.

A little bit ago, we had our Fall Break, or UEA as I used to call it, and we had a great few days. It was such a good time to spend together as a family, I only wish all of life could be as wonderful as this. Here is the rundown of some of our adventures.
With lots of help from Grams, began cutting out Tuckers’ Halloween Costume (more on that later):

Lunch with Dad at his work:

(Where Tucker rediscovered the ‘dirty dishes/tray’ machine)

Playing with Belle, Ikey, and a visit to see sweet baby Eleanor:

Dinner with Aunt Amy:

Off to the Cabin:

Where Tucker remembered and re-visited his love of grapefruit, (as soon as we arrived, he insisted on eating the whole thing right then)

While at the cabin, we had many grand adventures (we were glad the Great Hunsakers and Hunsakers were there, so we could spend time with them too, the boys now are requesting to play with the big Hunsakers often):
The boys helped Great Grandpa, un-dam the creek, so they could float their boats down. Tucker told me later, he thought the beavers would be mad about it. I betcha he’s probably right! 🙂

Hiking, and looking for supplies to build a fairy house, (Which I should have gotten a picture of, oops!)

Tucker found the burrs, and had them all over his entire body,

Four Wheeler Rides:

and thanks to the help of the Hunsaker Cousins, (who kept my children entertained) and my sweet hubba, I got started on sewing Tucker’s Halloween Costume. Here is the zipper. My first one that I’ve done correctly and I’m grateful for my Aunt Rosemary and My grandma’s help and guidance to complete it!

Another great day at the cabin,
Saturday Morning Cartoons,

Building and floating ships,

Building a bridge,

Hot tub fun,

Tucker learning to play chess,

And again, I spent some time behind the sewing machine, sewing Tucks Costume.

There is nothing like the refuge of the mountains, away from the internet, phone calls, and etc. To enjoy time together as a family, and getting projects done! Hurray for long school vacations.

Emily Life Truman Tucker

It’s been SO LONG since we’ve

Created treasures out of trash….

(A three seated Rocket to be exact, with ‘control panels’ and ‘blaster offers’)

We’ve had any major battle wounds…

(Nice Shiner, eh? Tucker fell and hit his eye on the door frame, thank goodness it was the afternoon after make up pictures)

(Truman fell off the bleachers at wrestling practice last night, and has gotten himself a bruise right next to his eye)
Neither are very good pictures, but they both have big bruises. Is it a genetic thing you think that they both fall on the right sides of their heads? Hmm…

Since I’ve had a ride on a school bus…

(Pumpkinland field trip, See other post for details)

Goodness, goodness. Time Flies Right By.


Happy Birthday Brother Matt–

Today is my Brother-in-Law Matt’s Birthday.

If you don’t know Matt, he is the type of guy every family needs one of. (You’ll have to talk to Sister Emily about renting him out!) He is an excellent cook, patient father, and all around good guy.
I hope that he has a day that is as wonderful as he is (Cliche I know, but hopefully it’s a fantastic birthday!)

Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

Fall is here..

Matching Superman Hats, Superman Gloves, warm coats and Granola Bars.

And everything is always better under the kitchen table. Right?
The boys spent the day winterizing the yard, it was a brisk fall day. And thanks to their winter weather gear, they spent a lot of time outside, and enjoyed the first cup of hot cocoa of the season.
Hurray for change of seasons, and change of pace, and cute boys.

Elliot Emily Life Truman Tucker

A Witch Hunt…

Last week, we went with some friends on a ‘Witch Hunt’ as Tucker and Truman called it, around Gardner Village. This place is so much fun, and thanks to some advice of a friend, we printed off a paper before hand about the witches. When we found them all,

and had written down there locations,

And taken a few pictures, (Tucker was not happy that I was making him sit next to a girl witch)

we took our paper to the Bakery for a cookie.

The boys had a great time running around finding the witches, and it was such a beautiful day, it was hard to believe it was Fall! We had a good time, and I think we’ll make this a yearly tradition.

Elliot Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

Conference Weekend.

I love conference weekend, or as Christopher calls it, Pajama Church. I love the messages we hear from the leaders of our church. I always leave feeling uplifted, and wanting to be and become a better person. This time we were up to Logan-town again, and had a great time.
Here are the pics, and some highlights.
We found the material for Tuckers Costume (more details on that to come),
I got the awesome-est birthday present, the swivel sweeper. My floors have never been cleaner.
Toph took the boys and Dallin Paul to the Home Depot building project. They built fire engines, and Dallin Paul totally got in on the action. They are all good little builders.
Of course there was omelets, a Phillips Family tradition, and boy were they delicious!
The boys did awesome listening to conference, thanks to conference treats, conference books, coloring Grandpa’s Legs, and looking at stories with Grandma.
Also, Toph and I were able to get away for a few minutes, and visited Frederico’s. They have the best Ham and Cheese Salads. I have been craving that ever since we left. I think I could eat that every day, and not get sick of it, with of course the garlic bread.
And a good walk with Michael and Madalyn (and Dodger the dog) to feed the horses during priesthood.
We had a great time in Logan town!