I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I have looked over to see Tucker quietly, peacefully reading a book,only to have Lorelei come and climb over the top of him, and cuddle with him.
Melts my heart everytime. She loves her brothers, and they love her.
Month: October 2012
Summer Reading Program…COMPLETE!
So, One of the things my kids love about summer is our awesome summer reading program.
I mean honestly, what could be better than being rewarded for doing one of your favorite activities?
The boys got kids meals, ice cream cones, drinks, kids meals, and all sorts of other things.
By completing the whole summer challenge, they also earned new books. Here they are with their choices.
Our summer list included a sink/float activity for Lorelei and Elliot, but Tucker and Truman had an idea when they saw a bunch of tree branches that had fallen down in a recent storm.
They worked hard for over 3 hours to ‘lash’ together a raft.
They were excited to see if it would really work! And it did. (Mostly!)
Birthday Parties and the River
Summer trip to logan: Phillips Family Party at the River, and Michaels Science Birthday Party.
Cute cousins
Mixing Jello Colors then slip and sliding thru it. 🙂
Awesome Cake
The dirt cups tasted delicious too! 🙂
Afterwords we slept at the river, Then headed to Logan, and believe it or not, there was also tie-dying. 🙂
One of the greatest pictures ever. Stolen from Cat’s facebook. 🙂 Thanks Cat. LOVE the cute kids pictures.
Another great weekend with family.
Picnic at Silver Lake
Happy 24th of July!
To celebrate the day, we decided that we should spend sometime in the great outdoors. We remembered a few years ago, that we had a great time at Silver Lake, and hopped in the car with our picnic, and off we went.
A windy ride up AF Canyon, we arrived at our destination: Silver Lake.
We soon discovered that they were in the process of draining the lake, to clean it out. They do this over the course of 4 months, so it was totally safe, but the water levels were EXTREMELY Low. 🙂
Which was fun because we got to see these huge boulders. (Love this pic)
The kids loved playing on top of them,
Inside of them.
Scout was in heaven jumping from place to place too.
Even Toph got in on the action.
Finding creatures by them.
And hide and seek along side of them. (Scout played too)
Lorelei thought it was funny to get really close to my camera lens
Pretty soon we found our way over to the water
At first we were just throwing rocks, since the water was so muddy. I should know better! Soon we fell in.
Then we were all in…
Love these shots of Brothers being brothers, helping Elliot.
And Tucker the Marsh Man…
And played for quite a while, ’till the wind picked up.
We finished the evening off with Madagascar 3 and ice cream. (After a shower of course! 🙂 )
Happy Day.
The Cubby.
Since mid-summer, Elliot has been sleeping in the cubby.
It appears that he’s a bit of a ‘chatter’. He tends to keep all the other kids awake at night, because he just loves to chit chat and be silly at night.
So for now, we’ve moved his toddler bed in the cubby, and the big boys to the bunk beds. And for Elliot being so far away from people, makes it much easier to go to sleep pretty quick each night!
Bucket Boy
The Thanksgiving Pointe Gardens
We spent lots of time, Rolling down many of the hills
ANd lots of time running down them too.
On the way in we grabbed a pizza and pop to enjoy there,
Lots of room and space to RUN, RUN, RUN!
I think I have discovered that, Lorelei wants to be a photographer in life.
Cute kids wanting to each sit by a pillar
My STRONG boys.
Not a better way to enjoy the gardens when you’re tired than on your daddys shoulders.
We stopped and fed the fish,
Which apparently were starving that day~
I want to plant some of this at my house. Obedience Plant.
Pizza has never tasted so good.
My favorite pictures of the night. Love this cute family of mine-
Look how grown up he looks!
After exploring the gardens, we may have stopped to share an ice cream sunday. I may have enjoyed that part a little too much.
And after desert, we found this on display….Such a fun water machine!~
Lorelei and I didn’t play in the water as much as the boys. We preferred to watch.
This summer, this is how I’ve taken to carrying these littles around. It works well.
Such a beautiful serene place to be. We all had a good time that night!
Every Saturday Night, we used to get rag curlers in our hair. My mom was a patient woman to do it for my sister and I.
So I tried it out on Lorelei, And they turned out beautiful too!
Love this girl.
Muddy, Muddy, Mud Slide.
The sandbox and the hose is a recipe for good old fashioned dirty fun. And dirty it was!
They played for a few hours, and would have stayed longer, but the rain started to come!