
Picnic at Silver Lake

Happy 24th of July!

To celebrate the day, we decided that we should spend sometime in the great outdoors. We remembered a few years ago, that we had a great time at Silver Lake, and hopped in the car with our picnic, and off we went.

A windy ride up AF Canyon, we arrived at our destination: Silver Lake.

We soon discovered that they were in the process of draining the lake, to clean it out. They do this over the course of 4 months, so it was totally safe, but the water levels were EXTREMELY Low. 🙂

Which was fun because we got to see these huge boulders. (Love this pic)

The kids loved playing on top of them,

Inside of them.

Scout was in heaven jumping from place to place too.
Even Toph got in on the action.

Finding creatures by them.

And hide and seek along side of them. (Scout played too)

Lorelei thought it was funny to get really close to my camera lens

Pretty soon we found our way over to the water

At first we were just throwing rocks, since the water was so muddy. I should know better! Soon we fell in.

Then we were all in…

Love these shots of Brothers being brothers, helping Elliot.

And Tucker the Marsh Man…

And played for quite a while, ’till the wind picked up.

We finished the evening off with Madagascar 3 and ice cream. (After a shower of course! 🙂 )

Happy Day.
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