
Holding down the fort…

I gained (yet again) a new appreciation for single moms, the week Toph was gone.

I tried to stay busy, and that I did.
I signed up to help with Teacher Appreciation Week, and I volunteered to make the doors:
for the music teacher:

(Thank you for teaching the world to sing in perfect harmony!)
and the librarian:

(Thank you for being such a noteworthy librarian! )
Not my best work, but under the circumstances, I was happy to get them done! 🙂

Also during the week, I had to replace the kitchen faucet

(Which I didn’t really end up doing too much of it (thanks to Amy and Wayne!), and the part I did do–I did wrong!)

Truman slept with gum in his mouth…and it ended up EVERYWHERE, including his hair. After working for way to long on his hair, I realized we were going to go get his haircut anyways and so I just cut it out. (WARNING GROSS PICTURE!)

And last, the best of all the game…
Somehow Elliot got himself stuck in our kitchen barstool. I don’t know how he did it…thankfully our neighbors were home and they came and saved the day. We had to break the barstool apart to get him out. yeah. that is what I said–break it! I didn’t get a picture of him at the time, but in hind sight wish we had!

(And funny enought–3 days later he got his hand stuck in the pirateship toy at the same neighbors house, she had to butter up his hand to get it out. I still laugh thinking about it)

Thank heavens I don’t have to be a parent all by myself all the time, and thank heavens for people who come help me while my husband is away!


Arts Festival/Choir Concert

Toph was still out of town this day (Which also happened to be St. Patricks Day!) so thankfully my mom came down to help me so we could all come and enjoy this concert and a fun night out at the arts festival.

The evening started out with the concert…

They sung this song, which is my FAVORITE! Everyone is Irish on St. Patricks day- (Tuckers on the second row on the right side, just above the ladies head on the front row)

Everyone is Irish from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.

and this one is Tuckers favorite: It’s okay, it’s alright. (I don’t know if that’s what it’s really called or not?)

“okay’ song from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.

After a few more songs, we were off to do the ‘arts festival’

We did a little painting

Got our faces painted

Took part in the ‘pop walk’ (like a cake walk, but the kids at the school decorated and donated 2 liter pop bottles)

pop walk from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.

Tucker won, and choose out a R2-D2 pop

The Big boys favorite station was the modeling clay

Elliot was just happy to be there and Lorelei hung out in the baby bjorn.

A BIG thanks again Grams, there is NO way I could have done that by myself!


Pictures for Toph

While Toph was out of town, I tried to send little pictures of Lorelei to him, since he couldn’t talk to her on the phone 🙂

Although he was not gone for too long, I thought he might enjoy occasional pictures of our little girl. Here are some of my favorites I took.


A high flying pack meeting…

Of course, Tucker loved it, as it was all about paper airplanes!

Too bad his momma doesn’t know too much about making airplanes (Toph was still out of town)–we did our best anyways, and although we didn’t win any awards, we weren’t disgraceful either! 🙂

What a great ward we live in!

flying airplanes from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.


The big six year old post for TRUMAN~

The day Truman has been waiting for since his birthday last year, the day he turned SIX!! This is the age he’s wanted to be for a long time!

Toph unfortunately had to be out of town for a conference for work…so we had to celebrate big without him!

We had birthday breakfast of pancakes, eggs and bacon.

He got to open an exciting present…Lego Batman for the Wii!

Shared (and ate) birthday treats (doughnuts) with his classmates!

Got to have a family recess at school–what a fun class he has-

Had a special Lunchable lunch with Grandpa Phillips who was visiting from Logan

Played his new wii game all afternoon (and didn’t even have to use a ticket to do it!) Got to go to a good friends birthday party, and have dinner there.

And finished the evening up with birthday cake and singing with Aunt Amy.

Birthday wishes for Truman from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.

Happy Birthday Truman! We’re so lucky to have you in our family! Hope this year being six is as wonderful as you’ve dreamed it to be!!


It’s the little things…

So often times I just get rushing thru my day and life, and forget to stop and enjoy the little things.

How many times do I rush past the lawnmowers at the local home improvement store, as I am in a rush to check off my to do list?

This day we stopped, and enjoyed them, pretended to drive them, and choose out the perfect colored one…yellow.

It only added a few minutes into our ‘quick trip’ to the store, but added to the good spirits for the rest of the day.


scripture reading…

A tiny bit of chaos that occurs whilst we read scriptures…

reading scriptures from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.

Elliot adoring Lorelei.

Tucker being silly.

Truman sounding out words.

In watching this, I realized, yeah, this is a pretty calm night, and Most Nights it’s a tad bit crazier, and most night I Love it. 🙂


Visiting with Great Grandpa Greene

Lorelei’s so lucky to have so many people who love her so much.
Including Great Grandpa Greene.. hoping we can get to see him again soon!


Dancing like the Veggies..

Veggie Tales that is.

One Sunday after watching this show, Tucker called us in to watch this:

Veggie Dancing from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.

It is a little dark, but I am so glad I videoed it…this is ONE OF MY FAVORITE MEMORIES! How sweet to see them dancing together, so young and innocent and wonderful.
And since then they all three have sung this song and danced around the house many, many more times.


Warmer weather also means…

the end of winter and beginning of spring! Hurray for seeing the sun every now and again!
And hurray for being able to walk to school to pick up Truman after kindergarten!

spring walking from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.

And hurray for more rides in strollers-