
Who can take a sunrise…

Sing it with me now…
“Who can take a sunrise
Sprinkle it in dew
Cover it in chocolate
and a miracle or two?
The candyman
The candyman can
The candyman can cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good”

We don’t have a local candyman, but we do have a icecream man.
Actually we have two of them. One is really nice, and stops when you want an icecream, has reasonable prices and is a nice guy, and honestly, the above song could be about him. The other one, well not so much. He makes you chase him around the block, and sometimes stops..but sometimes he doesn’t, and when he doesn’t you have sad children, who after having to run as fast as they can to get their money, and then having to run after the ice cream truck (usually around 2 blocks might I add) end up walking home sad, realizing how far they had to run, because they don’t have an icecream to distract them from their tired legs.

So the moral of this story is, only chase the nice ice cream man he makes the world taste good with his cheap icecream during the beautiful summer weather, because the other ice cream man is a meanie, who makes your children cry.

Because there are very few reasons I am excited for fall, but not seeing the meanie ice cream man is one of the few.