Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

Being Parents

Ever wonder how you look in your children’s eyes? I do.
And his week we now know.

This is me, a picture by Truman
And here is Toph, a picture by Tuck.
What do you think? I must admit, even on paper, we still make a pretty good looking couple….

Elliot Emily Truman Tucker

Playing Dress-ups

I love dressing my sweet Elliot.

I sometimes feel like a little girl, dressing my cabbage patch dolls (of course, when I was a little girl, I always dressing my dolls in pink, dresses full of ruffles)…

Truman and Tucker love to dress themselves, and express their personalities in their outfits. Case and point, Trumans outfit last week, that he insisted on wearing to school, camo pants, and brown plaid pants and a yellow shirt. I love that they are still untouched by the need to conform to what society says is the style…

Where as Elliot doesn’t care what I pull out of the closet (unlike the other two) , and I get to dress him a couple times a day (thanks to spit ups, and messy diapers, and etc.) And I am a sucker for sweaters…there is nothing cuter than a baby in a fluffy warm sweater, especially my little Elliot.




I’m going to enjoy dressing this sweet little one while I can, ’cause pretty soon, stylish outfits like this one, are going to be coming his way…

Elliot Truman Tucker


Do you think it is genetic that my boys all like to smile with their mouths open?

Elliot Emily Life Truman Tucker

Great Grandparents…

I have many memories from my childhood of my great grandparents.

One of my great grandmothers had an oxygen tank named Charile,that when tipped over made a funny steamboat type whistle noise. And honestly, with little kids running around it was always getting knocked over. And when it did inevitably happen, I remember thinking, that the tank was such an important piece of equiptment she is going to be angry. But she wasn’t, She’d just say, ‘there goes Charlie’, and just laugh.

I had another great grandparent, this one a great grandpa, who watched MacGyver with us, telling us his own MacGyver stories from his life as a detective, He also shared his tennis ball collection. Which as a kid, was a pretty awesome thing.

What I am trying to say is Great Grandparents get life and life with little children. They have lived it, have so much wisdom, and are just what their name states: GREAT.

A few weeks ago, we finally made it up to SLC, and Elliot got to meet some of his Great Grandparents, the Great Greenes. I’m so grateful my boys have great grandparents who love them. Love is a powerful thing.

My grandparents hold a special piece of my heart. As a child, grandparents can do no wrong. I still feel that way. They give us their love, and love my children. Even when they are crazy. They’ve seen me grow and change, loved me in my good times and bad times. And now they extend this love towards my children too.
I wonder what memories my children will carry with them about their Great Grandparents…I don’t know exactly what it will be, but I am sure that one thing they will know, is that they are loved.

It was a great thing to see the Great Greene’s and to introduce Elliot to them. We love you Grandpa and Nancy! Thanks for letting us come and see you!

Emily Life Truman

‘Arrg Matey’

You ‘landlubbers’ better watch out, the ‘jolly roger has been hoisted up the mast’,
and pirate Truman has spent the day reading, and looking for his pirate booty.

Now, If only he can figure out how to get this silly sword in and out….
Ah…got it.


Happy Helpers

One of the happiest helpers of our household is Truman.

He is eager to help, hold and nurture Elliot, he is such a compassionate big brother. One morning, I was trying a new way of giving Elliot his acid reflux medicine, with a little hot water in a bottle. Unfortunately, the phone kept ringing, and ringing, and ringing. As the Relief Society President was sick, the first Councelor was in Las Vegas helping family, and the Secretary was at work, I was fielding alot of phone calls that morning. I was having a hard time sitting down to hold the bottle and take care of Elliot.


Sweet Truman volunteered to help, and he was a great helper, as I sat next to him, taking care of business, he was able to feed Elliot his medicine. Don’t worry, I was by his side, but able to flip through my book and answer phone calls, and I want to remember this sweet little scene.


Four Amazing Years

We’ve had this sweet boy in our lives.

Every day is an exciting adventure to Truman. He makes the world brighter by being in it, and by being the middle child he gets to be both a younger brother and a big brother, which I think he loves.

Born with an low immune system, Truman has had more than his fair share of sickness, and so far our only child to have surgery. He endures these ‘tribulations’ with patience, and even when not feeling well keeps his sweet patient disposition.

Truman adds an important element into our family, he’s like the glue that keeps everyone attached. He loves when we’re all together doing things as a family. But don’t be fooled, he is also content to play his ‘planet heroes’ by himself. But is happiest when having some superhero grand adventure whether he is alone, or with his family.

Thanks for the grand adventures you’ve given us sweet boy! Happy Birthday! We love you!

Elliot Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

A new routine…

Well, it’s finally happening, I am starting to feel like we are settling into life with three children.
We have begun to walk Tucker to school again, (Elliot strapped comfortably in my baby bjorn) Truman running behind Tucker,
And driving to and from Trumans preschool twice a week has become an easier task, with Elliot strapped in his car seat right next to Truman,
Laundry doesn’t seem to be piled quite so high, and meals are appearing on the table, most nights, at a timely manner. Not every single room in the house is dirty at the same time, and this little guys feeding schedule has begun to be regulated.
Hurray for a new normal.

Emily Life Truman Tucker

Somethings never change…

The weather is warming up, and our play space has been extended to the outdoors. HURRAY!! And what is the first things the boys do?

Search for bugs, and,

Play in the mud.

It’s comforting to know, that somethings never change.


The first of many….

We finally did it. Got a picture of all 5 of us in it.
Looking at it, you may think, It’s nothing special. But for me, I know that it is special because we’re all there, and it’s the first of many pictures of the FIVE of us. And for that, it’s wonderful.