Elliot Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

Thanksgiving Checklist….


(See the Pilgrim hat in front? It got ripped shortly after we took the picture. 🙁 I got to Truman’s Class Thanksgiving Feast to help them. I love seeing my children in their school setting, watching them interact with peers, the things they say, the way they act, what they do, the routines they follow. Oh, I can’t get enough)

Food? Turkey, Stuffing, Potatoes, Gravy, Artichokes, sparkling grape juice….

(A Few years ago, I realized someday (hopefully not for a long, long time) I am going to be the Matriarch in charge of putting together this grand feast. So since then, we’ve tried to make our own Turkey, and little dinner, to begin the practicing! I am no gourmet chef, but it is fun to celebrate just our little fam too!)

More Turkeys….

(Every year, we’ve done this. We hang them up, and it’s fun to see how the boys writing and artwork skills have changed over the years. Plus what is Thanksgiving without a Hand print Turkey?)


(An important part of Thanksgiving. I’ve been trying to encourage the boys to be aware of the abundance of blessings that are around them. Pretty sure someday the real concept of gratitude will sink it, but for now, a majority of the time Tucker is grateful for Robots/Robotics and Truman for Hercules or whatever Superhero he is pretending to be at the moment. I am especially grateful for a healthy rather uneventful pregnancy, and an amazing husband who I don’t appreciate enough for all of the amazing things he does. I have so many blessings!)

Still More Turkeys?

(Just kidding there not really turkeys, but they are the cutest little people I know.)

And to you, wishing you
a wonderful Thanksgiving!
for being a very important part of my life.

3 replies on “Thanksgiving Checklist….”

Cute stuff. Your turkey looks beautiful and I love the handprint turkeys- I want to do that tomorrow. Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving.

Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving. You are good at remembering and keeping traditions. Especially those little ones like making turkey hand prints every year.:) I love that and wish I was better at it.

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