Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

Family Vacation Day Three–California Here we Come!!

Toph loves Roadtrips, loves to be in the car, this is how he feels about road trips:

Happy, footloose and fancy free! He just loves them, and I think if he had his way, we’d take road trips for all of our family vacations.
Saturday we left Las Vegas (after a good sleep in) and then headed out to go meet the Greene Crew in California (they had flown out earlier that morning). We spent most of the day in the car traveling, back to the car and DVD Player–

We stopped in Barstow to run around and get some of this yummy food. And then before we new it, we were there!!
Hurray to see family, the beach and be on vacation–We spent the rest of the evening exploring the condo, the boys were dying to go swimming, (even though the pool wasn’t heated, it was cloudy outside) but they went anyways, and Truman came back with blue lips! They had dinner, and again, the boys were tired out, and fell asleep…

Hurray to be in California…