Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

Saturday Business

What a busy day we had on Saturday….I love a productive day, but I love being with family even more, lucky for me, my day included both! We began by building the joists for the treehouse,
When we got a phone call from the Phillips saying they were on there way down to supervise the situation. Boy were we grateful to see them.
They showed us the right way to box in the tree,
Played with they boys
Fixed the truck (apparently it just needed a little bit of gas in the carberator, was all it needed, who knew?)
Mom and I got the whole mess of our future stream/fountain, all clean and virutally leaf free,
Got some lumber for the flooring of the treehouse,
while Toph and I purchased it, The Grandparents and Cat stopped by the lawn mower department
Toph learned how to trim the apple tree (it’s not done yet…)
They boys went and got their hair cut, and then got to take a trip for some new toys (and shirts) with Aunt Cat.
Lastly they read robot stories, and played with Grandma and Grandpa, (you can also see by the boys dirty faces, we had spagetti for dinner 🙂 )
(Can you tell you these boys are brothers? They look exactly the same after their haircuts)
It was a busy day full of good people.
Thanks for all your help Cat, Grandma and Grandpa!

5 replies on “Saturday Business”

That sounds like a great weekend. It appears that those lucky boys are going to enjoy a sweet tree house when all is said and done.

I was wondering whatever happened to your treehouse. It looks like it is coming along great. Can I bring Izzy over to play when it’s done? She has a thing for slides lately.

Good job. The tree house does look amazing. It looks like there will be room to sleep out there. Is that the plan? How fun.

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