

My Cousin (Is there a term for your husbands cousin, who is a cousin you love, so do you still call them your cousin, but there not really your cousin? Hmmm….cousin in law maybe?) Well, she tagged me (, so now I have spent a week thinking of 7 unique and interesting things about my self, and now am recruiting my hubby, Toph, to help me with the process!

Here are the rules: 1) Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog 2) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. 3) Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. 4) Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.


1. Everyone knows I like Cheese, but they don’t know what kind of cheese I love….Cheddar Cheese. Tilamook is my favorite brand, but it is also UBER expensive, so any type of cheddar will do 🙂

2. I enjoy a good game of Mario Brothers, the old school version.

3. I LOVE Fabric. My sister gave me a fabric catalog the other day, and I decided if I was rich, I would spend money on fabric, because I love to create things, and trust me don’t click on that link because that material is ADDICTING…

4. I enjoy a good read, and I have read all of the children’s books in our home, as well as the most of the other books (except Toph’s Textbooks–boring!)

5. I have never gotten a driving ticket.

6. I enjoy cooking, but love meals that are quick and easy to make, and oh yeah, cheese always makes it better.

7. I’ve recently rediscovered Gelato, yep, still love that stuff. It’s a good thing this place is far away from me, or else we might be there daily, ’cause honestly, this is the best I’ve tasted since Italia!

So I tag Emily, Cat, Becca, Lexie, Kim, Jensa, Abs can’t wait to read yours!

4 replies on “Tag-ged.”

I can belive it all but #5. I have driven with you you. It’s called aggressive assault driving??? Love you,

I love to read the unique things about you! Too funny! I’m excited to look at the fabric catalog!

hahaha i’m laughing so hard at what dad said. I’m so glad you are my sister Love you!

I loved reading more about you. I love you too. It is amazing how these blog things help you know your family so much better. Now at the next Nelson reunion we will just sit and talk and talk and talk. I love cheese also, but mostly just squeaky cheese.

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