Emily Topher

A quote to remember…

One of the great things of Tophs’ Job is the annual “An evening with a General Authority”, this year we went to the Tabernacle to hear Elder Packer speak.
As with anytime our Church Leaders speak, it was an amazing experience. There was one thing that Elder Packer said, that I really wanted to remember. He said many inspiring things, but this story, struck me to the core. These are not his exact words, but the words I remember.
He told us the story of a trip he (Elder Packer) went on with Pres. David O. McKay, when they arrived there was a mother there with her sick son. She wanted Pres. McKay to give him a blessing. In a very gentle way (as I said before I don’t remember the exact words) he directed her towards her local leaders, then said, something to the effect, If I give all the blessings that people requested of me, I wouldn’t be able to do the things ONLY I CAN DO.
It made me stop and think, what are those things that only I can do?
So often we see our prophets doing so many amazing things, It is also a powerful realization that they have too have to learn to say no and
take care of the things ONLY I CAN DO.
I have heard this same instruction before, but loved hearing about it, through the life and example of one of our prophets.

4 replies on “A quote to remember…”

That is a great reminder of the importance of deligation. Thanks for sharing this special message.

What a great experience! How nice for you to be so close to prophets and apostles. A great message to remember too!

Thanks Emily. I really appreciate your thoughts… it’s something vital for us as Moms to remember… there are things that I can do for my family…that no one else can. Just like the talk given by Julie Beck in conference…there is great power in that.

On that note, I’m going to hire someone to cook and clean my house…anyone can do that. I’m just gonna play with my kids and love them like only I can.

So, do you think Ryan will go for it? I have an apostle backing me…sort of…

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