Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

Yum, Yum, Delicious

Dear Grandma and Grandpa Phillips,
You sure know how to grow some delicious Watermelon, and big ones too.
We ate, ate, ate and ate the yummy melon.
Toph finished it off last night.
Yummy Delicious, Thanks for sharing!


The Giving Trees

I used to love a book when I was younger, by Shel
Silverstein. The title of the book is The Giving Tree.
It is the story of a tree that gives everything to a
little boy who grows to be a man.
We have a back yard full of Giving Trees. Just giving,
giving their leaves.

Last Fall, I remember bagging and raking and bagging
and raking and bagging and raking leaves. I am
dreading fall this year due to the gigantic trees in
our backyard. I love the shade and privacy they
provide, but not the leaves.

So this year I am going to keep a tally of sorts, of
the leaves I have raked. Well not the leaves, but the
big garbage bags that we have filled.

That way when Next Fall comes, I know what I am in
for, and know how long it is going to last!


Bag Total: 2

Emily Truman Tucker

The Day of Surprises.

Please Pardon My Novel, there is not too many days
like this. There were so many pleasant surprises
today, nothing absolutely huge, but just lots of
wonderful small things. I felt like they just kept
coming. I love days like this and wanted to remember
it, a day where I can’t stop time. I can’t stop my
boys from growing, but I can enjoy life with them…

Tru and I sent Tuck off to school, and I just thought
that I would mow the lawn really quickly, then hop in
the shower, and continue on with the rush and business
of the day, but this is not at all what happened.

Truman found the sand box while I was mowing, and
there he stayed for almost 2 hours!!! He dug and made
roads, and sand food, and played, played played! How
much do I love this boy! He truely is a sweetie! I
loved looking over and just seeing him so happy to be
there, there was no doubt in my mind, The errands
could be run later… It brightened my day to see his
countenance, and the happiness that was there.

While the sandbox was happening, I got 2 bags of leafs
raked. I got My perennials trimmed, the patio swept and
of course a little digging in the sandbox. It is
amazing what can happen when I have no interruptions,
and when I choose to let my little boy, be a little

Tuck came home from school, and this is when another
pleasant surprise came. The phone rang, and I heard a
little unfamiliar voice. “Is Tucker There?”
A friend from his school had gotten his phone number
from the teacher. I think this is the first time
Tucker has gotten a phone call from someone I didn’t
I know that it may sounds stupid or even silly…but
it was just another step towards my little man growing
I coordinated the details whith Jarretts (his new
school friend) mom, and its set up. A playdate. Tucker
was so excited that someone had called him. He was
beaming. It makes me happy to know that he is making
friends at school, and he’s being nice even when I
can’t see him 🙂 I know he’s already got a good set of
values. I am proud of him.

The boys finished lunch, then down for quiet time.
They hadn’t been down but 10 minutes, and I heard the
doorbell. Who was it? A surprise visitor, Aunt Cat!


She had just flown home from visiting her friend, and
stopped by to see the boys. As always, she spoiled
them rotten with a trip to McDonalds Play Place and a
some new toys.

Tucker chose out a magnetic robot, and Truman got a
powerranger on a motorcycle. This will keep them happy
and busy for days! Thanks again Aunt Cat! I love
seeing my sister (well in-law, but whatever…) and I
am grateful for what she does for my boys. She is a
good woman that Cat, and I love to see her.

The last surprise happened two times today, Truman has
decided that if the price is right he is willing to go
potty in the potty.


Lucky for me, the price is small (realitively)–an M
and M for a successful visit to the bathroom. He went
twice by himself today. (note, this has never happened
before… so I don’t know what triggered his readyness,
but I am not going to complain. :0)

So that is it.
My boys are getting older, too quickly.
Why is it that somedays I can’t wait for them to be
just a bit older, but most days, I want to freeze time
in the happy moments, the days full of pleasant
surprises, when there faces are so full of joys, they
are happy, truly happy. If only life could be full of
these moments.
Of course if it was, I wouldn’t be able to appreciate
But nonetheless I am grateful for the blessing of
healthy, happy boys.
I love them and I love to be there mommy.


“Good-Night Cub Scouts”

In some ways I have been not looking forward to posting this, because it makes it real. .. and it makes me sad to say goodbye to my good friends–my cubscouts.
Over a month ago, I got a new calling, I am no longer a cubmaster with the Wolf and Bear Scouts in our ward. I am going to miss them (and I already am), as the young boys have become my friends.
There are so many reasons why I am going to miss them:
Hearing their laughter in our home.
Getting to know them, and their interests.
Keeping up with the latest vernacular of kids these days
Having my children seeing good boys, having them get to know them, and therefore having good examples to lead them.
and last but not least, the cub scout games that we got to play weekly! 🙂 Just kidding.
Please don’t get me wrong, I am excited to serve in the Relief Society, I am just going to miss them!
So watch out ladies, I now know SOOOO many stupid boy scout skits, how to tie so many knots, about bugs, trains, and even how to make a Waterscope, so we’re going to have some GREAT Times at our new Enrichment Meetings…..

Emily Topher

The Pleasant Surprises of Marriage…

So anyone who has been married, knows that there are so many surprises that come with marriage. I am happy to say, today I re-discovered two pleasant surprises of being married to Christopher James Phillips.
1. A former Stock/Bag boy at Stokes Grocery store, can do wonders in my pantry.
(Anyone who knows me, knows that I can’t hang things straight on the wall, I can’t walk straight— I can’t do anything straight. Including trying to put up cases of canned fruit and veggies on my shelf, an impossible task for this woman …)
2. A plumber/drain unclogger.
Again, that straight factor helps when your trying to line up pipes. I’m not so good at that.
If anyone would have told me that I would be loving and appreciating things like this, I would have thought they were crazy.
I love my plumber/stockboy hubba.

Emily Truman Tucker

Good Times With our Aunt Amy…

Dearest Aunty Amy,
If you keep spoiling us like this, we are going to grow up thinking that it is a normal thing to be so stinking spoiled rotten.
And by the way, we had so much fun. So much fun in fact Truman was too excited to fall asleep, and had to keep talking to his big brother, until he eventually fell asleep with the words “boondocks” coming out of his mouth on Saturday Night. And Tucker talked about that cool places where you were almost running on the ceiling for a long time. And being able to watch Lightening Mcqueen on the Big Screen while Eating Hot Dogs and Super Big otter pops? Life doesn’t get better than that.
As for me, your sister, I must admit, I completely enjoyed walking around IKEA with out worrying about loosing my children (and my mind).
Thank you again for spoiling my boys rotten and thinking of us.
We WUV you!!!


Grocery Overload…

Sharpie Marker.
Quaker Sale.
Maceys Caselot Sale.
Storage room.
Enough said.

Emily Topher Truman Tucker

A “REAL” great Time…

Dear Aunt Amy,

Thanks for the tickets to the REAL SLC soccer game.
We had an absolutely great time.
Truman loved seeing the soccer game, the players, the balls, dancing to the music,
giving the lion cuddles and big high fives and eating snacks while were there (Can you say Sugar High?)
Tucker loved seeing the REAL Lion mascot,
and we loved cheering anytime something good happened,
seeing when the soccer ball going into the goals, and eating.
Can you tell we had a Fabulous time?
You are super thoughtful and wonderful,
Em and Fam
ps-Thanks to you too Eric, we couldn’t have gotten in with out you finding us to give us the tickets! Love you too!


Step Away from the Coupons….

Okay, so yesterday I officially crossed the line from having a passion for couponing to being Psycho about couponing. And due to this, I am afraid, it is time for me to step away from the coupons for a few days….
Let me explain.
The past year or so, with a few of my neighborhood ladies, I have begun “couponing”. We buy in bulk things that are on sale, and that we have coupons for. Therefore saving a good amount of money and as well as getting name brand products. Between the 3 of us, we usually are aware of a majority of the good grocery deals in the area.
Yesterday, I was going to get a good deal on cereal and milk, when I walked in our Local Albertsons, and was thrown completely off my kilter by 90 Crazy Coupon Ladies.
I was in shock….What in the world were these ladies doing here, and what were they buying?!?! How could I be so completely unaware of this sale where Ladies were literally fighting over products. If it was that big of sale, how did it slip past my radar. When I looked at the Ad, I realized it was the Quaker sale. One of the biggest sales of the year.
I didn’t have any of my coupons with me, and by the looks of the ladies there, I highly doubted that I would be getting anything by the time they were through.
I called my husband, very shaken, and asked my self a gammit of questions– How could I have missed this sale, how did it slip past me? Am I loosing my touch? Am I going to be able to get any Quaker products? Usually if you don’t get them the first day, you have little chance of getting them with out stalking the grocery store. I don’t want to be a stalker.
I continued through my very busy day, continually stewing over this sale….
That is how I know I have crossed the line: IT IS ONLY A SALE!!!! I have a pantry stocked with food. If I don’t get the product, OH WELL. But yesterday I had a one track mind. I couldn’t get my mind off the sale, and I just wanted to get the sale.
That is how I know I have crossed the line, so no coupon talk for me. I am taking a few days off, and I am off limits to good deals. My Psyche and my husband don’t have the time/energy/patience to deal with it right now 🙂
Just in case you are wondering-I did make it to another Albertsons and found most of the things I had coupons for. I spent $70 and Saved $280. Not fabulous, but not bad either. But definetly not worth the stewing I did all day long worrying about a STUPID sale.

Emily Topher Truman Tucker

News and Weather Binder: The Fair

At Tucks school, they pass around a binder. The News and Weather Binder, is an opportunity for the children to act as “reporters” and to report about things they see as news. Well Tucker says he is a “Lucky Ducky”, because he got to bring the Binder Home.

Here is what he dictated to me, the news:
“On Monday we went to the fair and we saw a robot named Seamore. We saw a giant dog, we saw horses, pigs, sheep, cows and goats. We went down a giant yellow slide, I got lots of ice-cream, and I got to meet the Dairy Princess. We saw a bus ride that went up and down. I had lots and lots and lots of fun.”
What a great summary, here are a few pics from the fair..(Unfortunately the camera battery went dead, before we got more pics with the kids and REAL animals.)
Gathering Eggs:
With the sheep…
Planting Seeds:
Future FFA Tucker…(I thought it looked more like Harry Potter, but whatever…)
Feeding the Fake Cow…
Milking the Cows:
After gathering the food, they were off to the market… (I would TOTALLY buy fresh produce from kids who looked crazy like this… 🙂 )
How many Horse Tall Are YOU?
Bailing the Hay, and taking the Tractors for a spin:
Seamore a real life, talking Robot….Tucker was in Heaven.
Tucker saw his shadow, and was making it into fun shapes, including a T:
They had stuff for sale in booths all over, and Tucker saw big fleece blankets, basically a HUGE THESEY:
It was a fun night, we met up with the Greene Crew, and we loved seeing all the animals, and the big yellow slide.