When you’re so sick. Impossible you say? Well….
When your sick, your husband gets put in charge of not only being the breadwinner, but also taking care of the children the moment he walks in the door, misc. errands, and a large majority of the house upkeep and laundry. So what happens? The Dishwasher I have been waiting to buy, until after the sprinklers were installed? Well Tuesday this showed up at our house! Do I have the sweetest husband ever? Yep (either he’s the sweetest, or he’s sick of washing dishes by hand and keeping up with everything else around him) 🙂
Or more great things can happen, when you think you’re well enough to begin a project you’ve been wanting to do for months….like put together your kids bunkbeds,
and you get 1/3 the way through and realize you were crazy, you may think you are superwoman, but superwoman didn’t have morning sickness like this. So your husband has to come home and bail you out, help you finish putting them together, and you feel foolish in making him try to get it done in the 45 minutes he has before his meetings start…because then he’s gone for the evening, and if it’s not done your children are going to have to sleep on the floor…Good thing for me, he’s NOT ONLY helpful–he’s very speedy. By the way, the boys have slept well the past few nights in their beds, and they have already stuffed them full of stuffed animals and books.
Even greater things can happen. First, let me state that I have great in-laws. They came down last Friday, when I was starting my new medicine, that was supposed to help me feel better, but instead had the opposite effect, I stayed in bed or on the couch, unable to function or move due to the side effects. They took the children back to Logan, where they had grand adventures of floating in river (again, and again, and again), getting new toys, clothes, being spoiled rotten, went on carnival rides, playing with cousins, making playdough, jumping on the tramp, and not wanting to talk to their mother who was missing them dearly, because they were having so much fun. For further details and pictures look here. They ended up staying until Monday afternoon. I can’t even thank the Phillips Crew enough…I know it was a group effort, and I’m very grateful for everyones help! Sure love you guys, and thanks again!
So, although I am looking forward to holding down meals for 24 hours, and having energy and strength to play with my kids again, I am blessed to have many good things happen in the interim.
And by the way, thank you all for your kind words and well wishes with the announcement of our third child. With every comment, it made my heart lighter and happier!
2 replies on “Great Things Can Happen…”
Emily! It is so great that you can have a positive attitude~ I am so sorry to hear how sick you are. It is such a terrible part of pregnancy. I wish I were closer and could do something to help!!! Congrats on the new dishwasher, it looks beautiful!
Oh my lanta!!
We are SToaKeD!!! For you guys!
We can’t wait to hear what it is, and I’m sure out little Jack will keep whoever it is company in Heaven!
We are thrilled for you!
Best luck at getting past the morning sickness!
You sound like you have it rotten.
I am so sorry!
And, lucky for you, you have great in-laws! (And a spiffy new dishwasher!)