Tucker is getting so big, after all, he is 5 years old now, and there are somethings that come with being the mother of a 5 year old. I can’t even tell you how many times I have heard the saying about “cutting the apron strings”, to allow her child to grow bigger and older, Well it is now my time to say goodbye to overalls for Tucker, in essence to cut some strings, allowing my child to grow and be the wonderful 5 year old he is and is growing everyday to be.
It is time, in fact it is past time.
Right now, the overalls are in the laundry pile, waiting for laundry day tomorrow, and after they are cleaned, they will be retired to the ‘grown out of clothes’ box, never to be worn by Tucker again.
I don’t know why, but for some reason, this makes me immensely sad. Well honestly, I do know one reason, overalls are the only pair of pants that ‘stay up’, as Tuck has no hips. 🙂
But mostly I am sad, because it is the symbolism of the end of my little boys boyhood. That is unless you live in Idaho, of course, where grown men wear overalls, (no Topher, I still don’t want to live in the countryside of Idaho, but thanks for asking).
Now, please note, that I am not saying that by any means, 5 is old, because it is not, but it is older, and old enough, to be asking to not wear overalls. I am cutting the strings….or straps as it may be.
Thanks for taking a trip down memory lane with me.
4 replies on “Overalls”
Never was a boy more handsome in bib overalls. Enough with the Idaho stuff already. Why when I go to chruch in my bibs in Idaho I have pockets for my scriptures, my Farmers Almanac, a screwdriver, a pair of pliars, potato chips, the Sunday paper and so much more.
I am glad that there is someone out there as sentimental as me. Lizzy is turning 4 this week. I keep talking about how big she is getting. I’m sure everyone is just rolling their eyes. She went to primary a few weeks ago (for the first time) and was nervous so I sat with her through opening exercises. When it was time to go with classes, however, she just up and left with her teacher and I suddenly felt sad that she was big and was going into a new classroom without me. By the way I also love overalls pictures.
I loved this post. It is true that we often watch and document the “firsts” in our children’s lives. But what about the lasts. The hard thing about this is that we often don’t know something is the last until it is past. How sad that is. Thanks for sharing this “last” with all of us.
Who know a kid could have so many overalls. I can see how you are going to miss them. Today I was told that letting your kids grow up is the “hardest good thing that you have to do.”