Tucker and Truman (and for a few minutes Elliot) held a Lemonaide and Otterpop stand.
They made pretty good money, each getting a few dollars with the neighbor kids. So grateful for good neighbors who stopped to buy some!
It’s always fun to make your own playdough! Especially when everyone got to choose out their own colors.
We had a wonderful afternoon playing.
The boys made a ‘machine’, unfortunately, I shut off the video, unexpectedly, and didn’t get to see it all. But it was marvelous!
We spent alot of time this summer playing in the water to help us stay cool…
One day we went to the Lazy River splash pad, had a picnic, met up with some friends and splashed!
Tucker informed me that he’s just not into the splash pads any more, which I understand, and he spent a majority of the time reading his book.
The rest of us had a grand time running up and down and splashing all around.
Love, love this summer time!
While getting packed and ready to go to Logan, I figured out why there is a hole in the boys bedroom window, and why it keeps reoccuring. I can only imagine that Scout loves the attention, and seriously, she is a pretty cute, and silly dog.
So, we spent the end of Toph’s Trip in Logan with the Phillips crew and had so much fun with cousins, uncles, aunts, and grandparents:
At parks, and swimming pools, and Grandma’s house, it was mountains of fun.
Lots of time spent on the tramp:
Tucker took the role of ‘man of the house’ very seriously, including helping haul suitcases 🙂
Here we are leaving the Aquatic Center, headed to the airport, so excited to see dad!
We were so happy to have dad at home, we went for ice-cream:
And then the next few days, the kids couldn’t get enough of Toph, here they are playing:
For some reason, when Toph is away, every task seems like I’ve accomplished a mountain. Knowing he’s not going to be coming home in the evening to help with the kiddos, makes me appreciate him so much more.
Here are a few of our crazy adventures:
Sunday, we went to the temple grounds, and walked around and enjoyed the beauty!
I thought it would be fun to get a picture of all the kids infront of the temple. They had different idea. Look at all their faces: Ha! Ha!
25 pictures later, and not much better: Ha!ha!
We celebrated 5 years in the bishopric by getting shakes at the Bishop’s restaurant.
We missed Toph though:
The boys worked really hard and scrubbed, and vacuumed and deep cleaned out Toph’s car for him. They wanted it to be a surprise, and were so, so, excited about doing it.
They found all sorts of treasures inside:
Power washing:
afterwords we got out the popsicles, and the bubbles. To say that was the highlight is an understatement…
Here are some cute videos too:
Lorelei loves this fuzzy robe of mine, and often wants me to put it on and cuddle her…
Lorelei also thought it was funny to jump in the tub, multiple times during the day, while her clothes were still on…. that got old pretty quickly. (for me at least, apparently, not for her!)
And we sewed and put up the ‘sails’ on the tree house, so the kids could pretend they were on a ship. so fun.
And with all of those adventures, plus more, we made it thru FIVE days alone! 🙂
And one year later, it seems almost miraculous to me to see our happy healthy girl, playing imaginatively by herself.
What a difference a year and alot of hard work can make!
We had a wonderful few days with the Greene’s! Tiff took my kiddos during my girls camp week, so we got to have the three oldest for a few days. Here are a few pics of our good times.
(Tucker took some of the pictures, so excuse the fuzzy ones. 🙂 )
Sewed Princess Jasmine Costumes
The boys really, really love this Domino Toy Set.
Unfortunately it doesn’t always work right. After over an hour getting it all set up in the kitchen, Tucker was excited to film it! 🙂