For me on this day, it was slipcovers!
Thank you Amys!
Month: October 2012
New to me clothes!
Lorelei is incredibly blessed to be given clothes by our neighbors and friends. She is one of the cutest dressed kids around, due to their generosity! 🙂
One day, she put on a bunch of the new things she had received.
She has on 4 dresses, new snow boots, rain slicker, and new hair bows.
She wore them around the house for quite a few hours, until I finally made her take them off (Due to the above 100 degree temperatures!)
And she was MAD! Such a funny little girl!
It only takes a minute!
Before Amy’s wedding the big book shelf in the big boys room fell apart. (Thankfully no one was hurt, as it was a big book shelf full of lots of books!) So, it was time to invest in another one, we looked and looked for one long one, but couldn’t find one that was just right. So when we found these two, I quickly snatched them up. I got them put in the boys room, books on, and then ran upstairs to grab a phone call.
When I returned, I couldn’t believe how quickly they had added their ‘stuff’: Tractors, creatures, and toys. I guess they were anxious to get them decorated. 🙂
Cubby Fun…
Elliot loves his little cubby, and loves to invite his sister to play with him there, and then turn out the light. Thankfully she doesn’t mind the dark, this day I recorded it, as they were playing with a flashlight too.
Recently, he was introduced to America’s Funniest Home Videos, and now wants all of his videos submitted, funny or not! 🙂
And our neighbor across the street was giving away his old Lightening McQUeen sheets, Elliot was beyond THRILLED with this gift, and wanted to take a picture to send him.
Melt my Heart Moment.
Truman is incredibly thoughtful boy.
This morning, we’d spent the day at soccer, yard work, and running errands. We all got back, we’re hot, and still had more stuff to do.
Truman (with permission and help of Toph) gathered up all his money, and walked down the street to the neighbors pop machine, and bought a pop for each of his siblings, with his own money.
WHAT A SWEETHEART! So grateful for his generous, thoughtful personality.
Love this boy.
You can paint things pink. 🙂
(Randomness, I bought a can that was marked ‘ballet slipper pink’ on both the lid and the can, and when I sprayed it out on the bottom corner, it came out FOREST GREEEN.) Yeah, that stalled the project for a few days till I could track down another can of paint! DRAT!)
I think pink looks good in our house! 🙂
Tracy Aviary
A fun activity for FHE.
The big boys are totally getting to the age, where they LOVE observing animals.
Truman brought his binoculars, a present from Great Grandpa Hunsaker
And Tucker brought his camera, to record the birds.
Elliot and Lorelei both enjoyed being able to just run around…
And climbing too! 🙂
Cute boys…
Truman was fascinated as well.
There was a beautiful patch of flowers, that we took some pics in, some cute kids!
Ended the night, climbing the stairs to see the view.
Perfect Summer FHE!
Maughan Wedding Day!
So, most of this day was spent running, and Toph spend most the day watching kids, so, I don’t have a ton of pictures, (WISH I had gotten more)!
But it was a wonderful day because Amy and Wayne got married! And now Wayne is officially part of the family! 🙂
So here are a few of the pics I got, and hopefully I’ll be able to get some more from Amy to add, or get a new post! Amy’s vision was beautiful, and it looked it!
Wedding Prep
Everyone should have a sister like AMY. She is my only sister, and has known me longer than all of my friends, and truly is the best girl friend a girl could wish for. That is why I was so grateful to be able to help with her wedding…And spend some extra time with her, and for her!
A few things:
Thrift Store Shopping and organizing for the perfect vase combinations: (Amy mostly did this by herself, but I got to help with a bit of the shopping and organizing!)
Being Knee Deep in Gray Burlap, cutting for table clothes and table runners.
Creating Cute, Cute Bow ties:
Making Balls, Balls, and More balls! 🙂
And sewing cute skirts, and outfits…
And just a couple of hours on the phone talking thru things with my sis. 🙂
So grateful for the opportunity I had to participate and celebrate the marriage union of Amy to Wayne! 🙂
a ‘Wheezer’…
WARNING: Long Wordy Post Ahead–
August 1st (2 days before Amy’s Wedding, when I was supposed to be knee deep in finish/helping with Amy’s wedding set up, flowers, etc.) Lorelei woke up with a slight cough…and by mid day, she sounded like an old man wheezing, and it seemed to be progressing as the day went on.
Here’s the video I sent to Toph, because I was so concerned about her…
She didn’t have a fever, it didn’t sound like a croup cough(and usually croup gets better during the day and worse at night), and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what was going on.
So mid afternoon, I called the pediatricians office, and made an appointment, we ended up being the last appointment of the day. Our regular pediatrician was on vacation, but Dr. Ashby was there, with our favorite nurse Mickie. By the time they were able to squeeze us in, the wheeze was so bad, that they gave her a breathing treatment in the office (One of those moments, I was Feeling bad as a mom, that we hadn’t brought her in earlier), along with an antibitoic shot. They then proceeded to stay an extra hour after the office closed, to monitor her, and try to diagnose her condition (LOVE MY PEDIATRICIANS OFFICE!)
Because the treatments weren’t helping, there was no fever, and the wheezing was getting worse, the pediatrician asked me, if there was any possible way that she could have swallowed something, like a lego or a small toy. So, I thought about it, and realized I noticed the noise right after I had gotten her out of her crib. And I thought, well, there shouldn’t be any small pieces in her crib, but with 3 big brothers, one never knows exactly where every little lego, small toy is…. so I guess it’s a possibility?
The wheezing noise was so irregular, the breathing treatments didn’t help, and so they sent us over the hospital to do X-rays, to see if there was indeed a blockage. Toph was just coming home from work, and tracked me down at the ER at the hospital, as my cell phone died.
Lorelei cried thru the x-rays, and the technician was a funny man, who said, something to the effect of, When she coughs, it doesn’t sound good. You’d better make sure she gets a check up. And repeat, and repeat and repeat and repeat again. (As if I wasn’t already trying to figure out what was going on with my child)
When the x-rays were completed, There was no visible blockage in her throat, and her airway didn’t seemed to be stretched, so there was no indication of a blockage. HUGE RELIEF . But now, what was causing her to breathe so weird?
With the breathing treatments, apparently, they usually only do this certain kind in the ER/admit you to the hospital because there is something called the rebound effect, where approximately 4 hours the wheezing will return, this time worse than the first experience. So we were on pins and needles trying to figure out what to for the night, waking her up regularly, monitoring her breathing, etc. Thankfully the rebound effect did not happen. But also our pediatrician called us twice thru the night, and once the next day to check on her. AWESOME. Thankfully when she did wake up in the night, the cool air, and medicine helped calm her, thankfully we have the power of the priesthood in our home.
The next day, she still didn’t feel well, but was doing TREMENDOUSLY better. So during the afternoon, we went up to help set up Amy’s wedding, and she was a real trooper. I thought she would sleep, but didn’t, but was in such good spirits for feeling as crappy as she did! So glad that experience and day was done. She was a seriously awesome little girl, to endure it all so well.
(Above pic is when she finally fell asleep on the way home from the Ranch where we were setting up for Amy’s and Wayne’s reception!)
We have been blessed with healthy happy children, and having experiences like this, makes me grateful that our children aren’t medically fragile.