Meeting our teachers, finding our classrooms, and desks,
and making art for the installation at the front of the school.
There is always excitement and butterflies this day, because the next day, SCHOOL STARTS!
Month: October 2012
Back to school 2012-2013
Hard to believe sometimes how quick these kids grow up! And I loved that they all wanted to have Scout in their pictures too. I love the opportunity to take these pictures, as they often are my favorite from the year, as well as a record to me of how BIG they are growing!
Entering Fourth Grade
Entering Second Grade
Entering Pre-school
Looking forward to a good year ahead!
County Fair
This year we made it to TWO fairs. The county and the state fair! (To say that Toph LOVES the fair is an understatement, so he was happy about being able to go to both! 🙂 )
The county fair was definitely smaller than I expected, but they did have a HUGE lego exhibit, that the boys went goo-goo over! 🙂
One of the the main reason I like to go, is to see the animals:
And a few pics, which really don’t show the grandeur of the exhibit, but something none the less, of the legos:
And it made me so excited to go to the State Fair!
Super Cousin Day
The daytime spent with the Maughan cousins, Olivia and Grace.
Making Juice
Picnic Lunches
Doing Hair and nails
Homework time
Swimming and running thru sprinklers
And I thought this was a funny video. All the little kids just sitting in the pool… 🙂
Everyone in the car, to pick up pizza for dinner!
The evening spent with the all the Greene cousins
Trafalga with Maughans and Greene’s
And the Night with ALL THE GREENE’s.
Thanksgiving Pointe Ice-Cream
A Whole entire day, with family. Does it get any better than that?
Kool-Aid Slushies
One thing the boys learned how to make this summer was kool-aid slushies. They thought it was pretty awesome to be able to make this by themselves. And they loved sharing it with their siblings on a hot day.
This is the first time, I saw Lorelei pick up a book, and vocalize, by herself, without prompts or cues from me… She is making progress!
It’s in the small steps and successes that we are celebrating her speech!
On our list of things to do this summer, and one day we checked them all off.
We stopped and played at the ‘indoor playland’ with the dinosaurs, ate lunch with dad,
and then visited the temple, and temple grounds.
A good day! 🙂
Farm Country
We love visiting here! We saw and fed the animals, we went for a tractor ride, and a carriage ride, and rode the horses. (and did handstand competitions in-between 🙂 )
We always have a good time while we’re here.
Our own crocodile hunter…
spiritual crocodiles that is!
Had an lesson about the spiritual crocodiles in our lives, based on this video–
And then we went on a hunt to find some…All the kids had a turn, and they had to be careful not to touch them. It was a fun lesson, and one we all need a reminder of from time to time! 🙂
It truly is in the small moments.
Like this one, that makes Toph a great father,
Just sitting down to play a game with them on his phone.