Good bye broken old, one burner, half working oven!
Hello Beauty!
And Happy Mother’s Day to me!
Month: May 2012
Mother’s Day Weekend…
Began up in the woods at the Cabin…
Shopping with Amy and Mom…
Cuddling the sweetest new baby, and my newest neice, Lucy Bischoff.
Breakfast in bed in Logan-town…
Found this sweet picture of Toph as a boy…
Lots and lot so of driving in the car together….
Love hearing little fun things like this, Truman singing a song to keep Lorelei happy…
(how I love all these people!)
Sweet mother’s day cards from my boys! …
(Truman’s, my mom is as beautiful as a sunset… aw!)
(Tucker’s, I love my mom because she’s amazing…wow!)
a delicious dinner cooked by the men,
Mother’s Day Dessert with the Greene’s!
And many other wonderful things like and a beautiful church service with my mother-in-law.
Grateful for the mother’s and women in my life!
It’s in my blood…
I just can’t help but feel like a kid in a candy store when we go horse back riding for mutual, I was just as excited or more so than the girls.
What a great night, and a great tie in to the gospel. When we give our hearts to the Savior, like the horses give their hearts to their trainers, we can be better than who we are now. And be shaped, so we can do amazing things, even miracles.
this time the surprise pictures on my phone were of me!
What!!! Like 3 of them!
So random and so funny that I didn’t know these had been taken. Ha. Ha.. Ha..
Easiest, Happiest Meal EVER!!
Ka-bobs are always a big hit at our house, but these ones were the best ones yet. I’m recording so I remember, and cook these again all SUMMER LONG!
Elliot loved putting them together, (We put them together first thing int he morning when the boys left for school, and the meat could marinate)
And I love the smell of them cooking.
And the recipe, so I don’t loose it! 🙂
(I doubled this for 4 skewers of meat, and 10 Skewers of veggies)
2 tbsp. oil
1/4 tsp. ginger
2 tbsp. soy sauce
Garlic salt
2 tbsp. lemon juice
Beef, cubed for skewers
Sunday Dinners with Prince Eric.
So Elliot LOVES his squinkies, including a Little Mermaid pack that contained Prince ERic… now my brother is referred to as Prince instead of Uncle.
He finally was able to come to dinner, and a great time was had by all.
Come again Prince Eric! We love you!
Funny Hair
Getting ready for curlers, And my boys came in and fell over laughing. Looks like Lie-Lie has horns!
Ha, Ha, Ha.
Love these kiddos.
my Friday in pictures…
Including lots of cuddles, A new bike for Truman (re-purposed and given by our awesome neighbor Logan), Cleaning, running through the rain pushing a double stroller to take Tuck shoes (He broke his flip flops!), cooking, and just plain goodness.
Crazy, Beautiful Life!
Feeling of Accomplishment!
What a great feeling it is to accomplish something hard for the first time.
Elliot made his BED! ALL BY HIMSELF! no help from anyone else!
Look at that feeling of pride in his face! 🙂
Since Spring Break was a ROYAL FLOP, with me being sick and all, I asked the boys what one thing they wanted to do, and their immediate response was, ‘THE CABIN with the GREAT HUNSAKERS!’
With boys having substitute teachers on that Friday (and a clear schedule for everyone else!), we decided that would be a great time to get away. So away we went for 24 hours of good times with the Great Hunsakers.
How Blessed we all are to have them in our lives, that my boys really know them, and talk about them, and love to be with them.
The boys spent a majority of the time outside, and ‘helping’ grandpa.
Me and the little’s spent a lot of time on walks, and talking to my wonderful Grandma!
I wish I could freeze time, and stay forever with my little ones and my amazing Grandparents. They are such great, great people.
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for a perfectly wonderful weekend.