
Dye-ing Easter Eggs

Just love, love, love this tradition!

And the older you get the more concentration it takes…to get your eggs exactly right.

I love this tradition, and have loved it since I was a little girl. It is so fun to watch my children discover, and rediscover the power of creating things.

These little boys are such talented little artists, all ready. How lucky I am to be their mama.


Green Beans have never been cuter.

Yum, yum.

And my cute bean eating green beans.



This little girl LOVES to be swaddled. LOVES. LOVES. LOVES. It’s how she goes to sleep, and wakes up.

And this day, it was how she sat in her bumbo chair.

Silly Swaddled Sweetheart! 🙂


Spring Break 2011: End

After all the fun, it was time to head home…

We had a VERY packed Car, and it should be noted that Toph LOVES road trips 🙂

And had a FABULOUS TIME when we stopped at Cove Fort, we will DEFINETELY stop here again on future trips!

Cove fort was right up Tucker’s ‘Little House on the Prarie’ fascination. I always love learning about history, it is so much fun to enjoy things like this with my children!


Spring Break 2011: Lorelei’s Pics

Whilst in St. George, Aunt Emily Took some AWESOME pics of Lorelei, the lighting in the house was amazing!

Thanks to Emily for such great shots. Thanks sisters for coming down to party with us!
And thanks again Mom and Dad for sharing your house with us!
Love you all!


Spring Break 2011: Beginning

I wanted to go somewhere, but wasn’t quite sure where, Toph couldn’t take too much time off, so I thought it would be best to go someplace where he could meet up with us. My parents generously offered to let us use the St. George house, as it was in-between renters, and it was perfect!

The house was empty, so there was nothing for the kids to damage, and it made for an easy clean up! We took down sleeping bags, and our swimsuits (and a few other things 🙂 ) and prepared for a fun, fun time!

After we (me and the kids) had been down for a few days, Christopher’s sisters and kids, decided to join us.
We had so much fun, and did so many things. Here are a few pictures from our first days there.

Wrestling boys

We wore sweet Lorelei right out!

We swam, swam, swam our little hearts out.

Truman’s creature created by random food!

A video collage of a few of the crazy times…

St George Trip from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.


Spring Break 2011: Middle

We did so many fun things together! (Thanks Em and Cat for the pictures!)


Out to Dinner,

To Parks and playing in the backyard,


To the Manti Temple and visitor center,

Hanging out around the house,

Running around with Glow sticks, stories, and much more:
No pictures, but fun to remember!

Vacations are the perfect time to enjoy families!


Sunday Dinner at Grams and Gramps…

Is my kids favorite kind of dinner (and my too for that matter!) The food is always delicious, but that is not what matters to my kids, They just love it because we get to be with cousins, grandparents and aunts and uncles.

Lorelei with Great Grandpa Hunsaker

Elliot and Gracie

The cousins around the table, being silly.

Family is a wonderful thing.


Being able to express yourself,

in written language is a pretty awesome thing. I love this by Truman:

I like Spring because I can see birds because I can hear them hum.

Me Too Tru, Me too!


A surprise for Grandma Phillips

After school we headed to Logan to surprise Grandma Phillips on her birthday! We arrived at 6, and left at 8.

She didn’t know we were coming,and it was fun to see her surprised face when we came!

And it was fun to see everyone, even if it was only for the night!