I love summer time and the ability to ‘move at our own pace’, and do fun things together, it seems like with school and school schedule, There’s not enough time to get everything out for art projects, and really get to enjoy them. So hurrah for summer!
This summer we discovered the joy of books by Ed Emberly! (a few of the books were from the library, love libraries!)
It was so fun to make stamp finger art, and see how the kids created different creatures, using the step by step instructions.
And of course, there is always an element of being silly, involved in creating. 🙂
Month: September 2011
I found one..
being able to dress babies in sun bonnets.
LOVE how cute she is, in that bonnet, and her delicious little thighs.
Because school is really done! And summer is here! (although it was still chilly, we were done with school, so that signifies summer right? 🙂 )
In the words of Tucker… ‘FINALLY!’
It is so convenient to have a firepit, for when you want to have a backyard BBQ!
I do believe this was Lorelei’s first cookout, and she was a champ, not phased at all by the smoke!
Welcome, welcome summer!
Dance Festival 2011
Dancing away 2nd Grade to Elvis’ ‘You ain’t nothing but a hound dog’
He would not let me cut his hair until the dance festival was done, because he wanted to be able to comb it back and look like Elvis. 🙂
Tucker believes that I am the ‘expert’ at peg-legging pants, and told his teacher so. I hope he continues to believe in me, in the little things I do. Love this boy.
If only Mrs. Deaver could be his teacher for FOREVER.
She was amazing, and provided the structure and consistency that helped Tucker to SOAR to great heights this year. We will miss her!
The only good way to Say goodbye to Kindergarten, is by dancing to ‘the Thriller’, ‘Eye of the Tiger’ and ‘Footloose’ right?
Truman’s kind of hard to see, right in the middle of the row, in his blue shirt, next to his friend in the striped shirt.
Truman had to wear a bright colored blue shirt, and was so excited to sit next to his best buddy, Will again. It was really important to him!
This year was so awesome for Truman.
Mrs. Stott was the PERFECT introduction to school, she was kind, loving, and taught Truman wonderfully! We’d love to keep her, too! Thankfully she lives close to us, and we get to see her frequently!
This is always such a fun thing to watch, and the kids talk about practicing it, during the last few months of school. They are very proud of it!
It was also great to have Grams come and join us too!
So sweet to see Elliot running across the field to be with her!
Love seeing the kids dance from year to year, and seeing how big they get! I love these kiddos!
Future Jedi?
We are in Star Wars Full Force, mostly in the fighting scenes with lightsabers.
Here are some of Tru’s moves.
Watch out all you bad guys, the force is strong in this one. 🙂 I mean, the sound effects? Awesome.
That was until, I saw it With a brand new pulley from patio to tree house, made by my handsome hubby.
Hurrah for summer! And being able to send things back and forth. Lunches, notes, toys, you name it. The pulley brought lots of joy to us this summer! 🙂
Year End Carnival…
We had fun at the 2nd grade carnival, and I enjoyed helping out with the games, but I was so busy helping kids with the human elastic, that I didn’t get any pictures there! 🙁 But when he got home, I had to snap this quick pick of his face paint job, with his third eyeball, and 1/2 line face. (Where that came from? I don’t know!)
And Elliot wanted to be a dog:
Goodbye Second Grade, Third Grade here we come!
Swim Camp
We enjoyed swim camp this year at the rec center pool. A week long Hourly class to help the kids improve their swimming skills.
Tucker and Truman love swimming and this was a great way to get ready for the summer.
At this age, Lorelei was still extremely portable, she’d stay asleep in her car seat, while we ran everywhere. Thank Heavens!
And Elliot was content in his stroller, but really wanted to be swimming with his big brothers!
Baby’s got a new pair of shoes
Getting new clothes down from the attic, is very exciting to Elliot.
In the next size of clothing, he also found a new pair of shoes. He loves them especially because he can put them on and off by himself. He loves his new found independence, and loves that they are penny loafers like his gramps always wears. He’s sure to remind people of that fact, whenever they comment on his shoes.
Happy Birthday Koala Wally!
Truman’s beloved Stuffed Animal has a birthday probably about once every couple weeks.
This time, Truman documented his May Birthday with my camera…
One of my favorite parts? The Lego Box contains treasures that keep getting re-gifted every month too, after we all sing happy birthday over a bowl of cereal.
Happy Birthday (again) Wally!