
April Fools…

The April Fools Tradition Continues! April Fools Dinner!

April Fools from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.

This is such a fun tradition, we’re not big tricksters at this house, except for one time a year…on April Fools Dinner.

I love watching my children and their faces, as they discover what they think is something, is not what they thought!

It takes a group effort to make this meal, and this year I made the ‘grilled cheese sandwiches’

Which was really toasted pound cake and orange frosting.
Jamie and Diana made:

Ice Cream Cone: Mashed Potatoes and Corn Dog
Juice: JELLO

Corn and Beans: Air heads, and starburst

It was a great night and fun time. 🙂
Happy April Fools!