
After the party-

After Trumans party, the Huffs stayed and played for the afternoon.

We had a great time at the park, and this is why all the kids love their aunt Emily:

She’s just plain awesome.

And it was so fun to see Lorelei and Issac hanging out!

We love you Huffs! Thanks for coming to party with us!


Truman’s 6th Birthday Friend and Cousin Party!

This year Truman turned six, and we had a great party! The weather was beautiful that day, which was wonderful, as we were able to do alot of the activities outside- We played alot of games, and had a great time.

Our gathering activity: we started with tracing the kids bodies, and then having them ‘design their own lego character’

So fun to see what the kids came up with.

Next was a spin off of button, button whose got the button, but we played Lego, Lego whose got the lego..

Even with the smallest lego, the kids hands had a hard time keeping it secret!

We divided the kids into two groups for the next game:

Spoon/Lego races

The kids sure enjoyed this game

Next up: sitting in a line, passing the lego over their heads race. (good name I know! 🙂 )

We then played lego buddy tag (Which some the little kids had a hard time grasping the concept)

Truman had colored enough lego people for each of the kids, and they were hidden in our upstairs living room. The kids found a lego person, then brought that person to me to be traded in for a lego keychain (Toph drilled the holes in legos and we put a key chain thru them)

And it was then time for the big lego pinata. Truman and I made the pinata earlier in the week. And filled it with candy and bags of legos.

Once the pinata was opened, each child got to put together their lego keychains with the legos from the pinata. It was fun to see the kids creations.

And a little candy 🙂

Then we went inside to sing happy birthday, and blow out the candles on Trumans birthday donuts.

Truman and I also had made the doughnut toppers from stickers earlier in the week as well.

After doughnuts and icecream it was time for presents.

A big Thank you to friends and family who made this a special day for our Truman, we love you all!


‘You’re my brother…

and so I’ll teach you about loving chickens’ (I over heard Truman saying this to Elliot)

And sure enough, he taught all about chicken wrangling.

Watch out Chickens, spring weather is coming!

That means LOT and LOTS of more time outside! 🙂


Another Quick Trip to Logan

The older our kids get, the busier our schedules become, the harder it is to get away. We’re grateful for quick trip to Logan, and had fun times there.

A few pics:

Reading with Grandma (she’s obviously a great reader!)

Elliot discovered (and loved!) the dollhouse

Played with Cousin Emi and Dallin Paul

We got to go cheer Aunt Cathrine on at her race (Pictures stolen from Cat’s facebook page, thanks Cat!)

And because of this, the little girls wore their matching shirts that say my aunt is #1.

And Dallin Paul Videos:

Dallin Paul Power Ranger from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.

Love seeing family that we love.



I think its nice for Elliot to have someone to watching Sesame Street with whilst I fold laundry, and I think they enjoy having each other too.

Two cuties in their stripped jammies.


Sleeping Angel

Walking past this sweet baby girl, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude to have this baby sleeping in our home.


Reading, and Reading, and Reading

This little man is becoming quite the reader! This video was taken about a month ago, and he’s even better now!

reader from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.

Love reading ‘baggie books’ that come home with Tru every day from school.


Snowy Day, Snowy helpers….

An unexpected amount of snow came down at our house–Elliot was thrilled and couldn’t wait to get out there to shovel it up!

And shovel he did. He did about 1/4 the driveway for me, and from now on, I will be asking for his help.

I tried to get a video of him helping me, but he was not really too interested!

snow helper from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.

After picking up Tru from school, Lorelei was fast asleep in her carseat, so Truman volunteered to babysitting’ Lorelei, while I sat outside with Elliot. (He finally came in when his gloves had fallen off so many times, his hands got so cold, he was ready to come in!)

When I uploaded my pictures/movies from my phone I discovered this video. I didn’t know Lorelei was awake, or Truman made this video, and the next. A fun surprise for sure.

truman babysitting snowy day from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.

And one last video, of me starting to get lunch ready for the boys, and Tru talking to Lorelei.

lunch in the afternoon from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.

Love these little afternoons.


‘my greatest blessings call me mom’

Love these children.


Four Generations

Of Women.

Love my Momma and Grandma Hunsaker, how blessed I am to have them in my life, and how lucky Lorelei is to be surrounded by so many amazing women who will help her recognize her divine worth.

And one more cute shot with Tru who wanted to be included in the photo shoot: