Toph was still out of town this day (Which also happened to be St. Patricks Day!) so thankfully my mom came down to help me so we could all come and enjoy this concert and a fun night out at the arts festival.
The evening started out with the concert…
They sung this song, which is my FAVORITE! Everyone is Irish on St. Patricks day- (Tuckers on the second row on the right side, just above the ladies head on the front row)
Everyone is Irish from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.
and this one is Tuckers favorite: It’s okay, it’s alright. (I don’t know if that’s what it’s really called or not?)
“okay’ song from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.
After a few more songs, we were off to do the ‘arts festival’
We did a little painting
Got our faces painted
Took part in the ‘pop walk’ (like a cake walk, but the kids at the school decorated and donated 2 liter pop bottles)
pop walk from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.
Tucker won, and choose out a R2-D2 pop
The Big boys favorite station was the modeling clay
Elliot was just happy to be there and Lorelei hung out in the baby bjorn.
A BIG thanks again Grams, there is NO way I could have done that by myself!
One reply on “Arts Festival/Choir Concert”
Another great year at the art festival. So many fun things to do!!!!