L O V E !
Happy Valentines day!
L O V E !
Happy Valentines day!
silly bands that is.
(Pictures taken on previous mentioned strep sick day!)
An obsession that has taken over Truman. He LOVES them, so much so that he spends alot of his hard earned money on them.
He loves to look at them, line them up into row, and talk about them.
But his favorite part about them is taking them to school to give away. Occasionally he’ll trade them with some friends, but most the time he’ll give them away at school, because in his words, ‘some kids don’t have any!’
Makes me so happy to see him sharing so freely, when so many others are all about the acquisition.
Love this phase where the babies start trying to talk, and tell stories.
Just a little ray of sunshine and joy.
The other day I pulled a notebook out to jot down some notes as I talked on the phone. And it just so happened it was an old notebook, full of lots and lots of pencil scribbles and old art. I was about to toss it when I opened it up, and this is the page that fell open.
And it took me back. Tucker and I (before Truman was born and when he was a baby) would spend HOURS drawing and talking about these ‘robot’ factories some days. Looking back, it was one of the few things that held his attention for a significant amount of time (he was about 2.5), and I remember it was a fun way for him and I to connect.
For those of you trying to make sense of the drawing, it’s a giant robotic arm, that is pulling robot parts out of labeled buckets and placing them on a conveyer belt. The conveyer belt would go to the next page, and the robot assembly would begin, and the conveyer belt would continue for a few pages until the robot was built, and boxed up ready to be shipped off to happy smiling children.
I had totally forgotten about this activity, and was a fun reminder of bonding things with Tucker, and made me happy the whole day. Love little reminders like that.
Are you that desperate for a date?’ Ha!
In complete honestly, I am sure he’d would have rather left the house under different circumstances…
I now know after watching my husband that Kidney stones are no fun, and incredibly painful. I also know my husband is a champ, and of course I had to tease him a little bit… because since Lorelei’s birth, it was the first time we’d been out of the house together alone! 🙂
Thanks again to my awesome mom for driving to our house at 4 in the morning, ’cause who wants to haul 4 kids to the emergency room?
Truman was home sick again this last week (Darn Strep!) he was recuperating on the couch, I felt so bad for him, and wanted to take care of him… I asked, ‘Truman do you need anything? Are you feeling okay?’
He said ‘no mom, I’m doing just good.’
And the conversation continued: ‘Truman, does your throat still hurt?’
Tru: ‘yeah, a little bit’
Me: ‘how about your head, do you still have a headache?’
Tru: ‘yeah, I do.’
Me: ‘How are your ears?’
Tru ‘They hurt really bad mom’
Me: ‘Truman, you told me you were doing good, if you’re throat, head, and ears hurt, I don’t think you’re doing good?’
Tru: ‘Well mom, my body can hurt, and I can still be doing good on the inside!’
WHAT! Seriously, such a sweet, sweet boy…He has been sick a little this winter, but nothing like when he was little (sick for months on end). I am grateful to see that he just might be starting to out grow this auto-immune disorder! How grateful I am for that insight! And even more grateful for a boy with such a great disposition and attitude!
It is important you have a ‘chub’ (tub) and get a snack…
Bed time pickle snack anyone?
And you must kiss your favorite ‘priends’ (friends) goodnight,
And make sure they watch over you when you’re sleeping.
That is the recipe for a good nights sleep.
Find a hat that you love, and wear it everywhere…
Drive in your car (‘because no matter how close it is, walking with a baby out in 15 degree weather is crazy) and make sure you have plenty of toys and snacks in the car with you everywhere you go…
Once you get your coat on refuse to take it off for the rest of the day…
(and yes that is a baby bottle, Truman thought it was funny to give Elliot his milk in a bottle, Elliot thought it was funny too. Silly kids)
And if you’re not wearing your coat, wear just these, all day long:
Because if your 2, you can get away with it 🙂 even if it is negative degrees outside.
Playing around our house in the afternoon with toys, usually includes robots, but I’ve noticed lately, that Legos are totally making a run for the title of ‘favorite toy’ with Tucker.
You can see it in his clothes– He’s choosing to wear his Lego Shirts as often as they are clean:
And he recently spent his birthday money from the Great Hunsakers on this:
A lego droid ship, with Gungan Warriors (his favorite part).
Afternoon play time is changing!