
My own little troll doll…

At dinner the other night, my neighbor was telling me about her son, and how when he was a baby, he had so much hair that would stick up straight that she’d call him a little troll doll.

A few days later, I looked at Lorelei, and laughed.

She’s definitely got the hair sticking straight up action going on!

And here’s a video of me trying (unsuccessfully) to get her smile on video:

Unsucessful Smile from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.

I’m loving this cute baby!


A little snow brings a lot of happiness

to this sweet boy!

If it wasn’t so cold, I think he would have spent the entire day out there walking around and kicking the snow.


Wii Action

The big boys are still loving the wii…

Their current favorite games are Lego Star Wars, the complete Saga (which Tucker pronounces SAG-A 🙂 ) and Mario Kart. And I still have to limit their time in front of it…as they would sit there ALL DAY long and play, play, play if I let them!

And Elliot still loves to be in the same room as his big brothers, and usually can be found on the floor beneath their feet, playing with his toys. And most days, he usually trips them, and I usually hear the words, ‘ELLIOT! PLEASE get on the couch!’

And Elliot laughs and gets on the couch for a few minutes, then slowly ends back up on the floor. And the process continues, and continues and continues!


A little random goodness

This is a selfish post. These videos will probably be boring for most people, but I Iove them as they catch the simplicity of our life at home right now with Truman in kindergarten half day, and Tucker all day, alot of days, this is our life. And yet, looking at these short blurbs, they are life…simple and wonderful.

Good Morning and Hello

Hanging out w/2 littles from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.


Peek-a-boo from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.

And Truman and Elliot (Truman filmed these one day, without my knowledge, just sweetness)

Truman ‘friend’ from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.

little robots from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.


new place to Hang out

Since Christmas we’ve rearranged the house (again!) the couch is now upstairs (thanks to our brothers and brother-in-laws who pushed it through our WINDOW!) in the office.

It is now the most hanged out in spot in the house. Someone is always on the couch, and it truely has become the new place to be in our house.
Totally worth all the effort pushing it through the window! 🙂 (Which is easy for me to say, ’cause all I did was watch!)


My husband might kill me for posting this….

But it’s just too funny not to share 🙂

One night after scriptures, I was headed out the door when this happened:

Untitled from Emily Phillips on Vimeo.

Love hearing that laugh from my sweetheart, and with dance moves like that you can’t go wrong, right sweets?! 🙂


a Bobcat earned

As I mentioned, Tuck LOVES scouts. So it was no surprised that at his first pack meeting he earned his Bobcat badge.

Here he is doing his ‘good turn’ for the day…getting his bobcat BADGE!

And here I am getting my bobcat pin, pinned on by one cute boy!

Congrats to Tuck Man, next up WOLF (as Tucker has mentioned like 3600 times 🙂 )!