

Big brothers have this crazy power, they can convince their younger siblings to do many crazy things (like ride in a cardboard box down the stairs into a wall, sit still while they cut their hair, or drink a bottle of medicine–not that I’m speaking from experience),
this poor guy–

has TWO big brothers who told him these bracelets looked pretty.
Hopefully he’ll be a quick learner…let us all hope, because sometimes those big brothers can be awfully tricky.

2 replies on “Convincing.”

In the Madsen family we call it getting “Bigged”. I believe Elliot is going to get bigged lots of times. 🙂

Oh the little buddy! Some how he will survive! We all did! I had two older brothers and they did all those same things to me and I lived to tell about it!!! Elliot sure is getting bigger and cuter by the day!

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