
the 4th of July: Ice-cream, streams, and fireworks

The actual 4th fell on a Sunday this year, so we got to celebrate all weekend long! Sunday was spent at home where I took at 3 hour nap. (I have the best husband ever), and felt like a new woman when I awoke!

On Monday, we celebrated some more, with a trip to get ice cream

and after a little detour, to our local park where they have an beautiful little stream.
The kids had a great time…they splashed, threw rocks, and then worked hard to built a little bridge/dam all the way across the riverbed.

Afterwords, they played in the trees for a few minutes, Truman making faces

Tucker pretending to be a monkey, higher, higher and higher.

Ending the night with some fireworks (and the neighbors fireworks–which were way cooler than our $10.00 pack 🙂 )

A happy, happy Fourth.

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