
The third…

I know there have been studies about birth order, and I am sure at some point I have read/learned about them, but fore the life of me, I can’t remember them.

Here is what I do know.

Elliot is a great third child:

He loves to play with his big brothers, but is content also to sneak away when he needs a minute by himself.
He plays well with other kids, and with kids younger than him, he is great at giving them toys.
He is a great little sleeper most of the time, and loves getting and giving ‘cuddles’ when he first wakes up in the morning, and sing Old McDonald had a farm.
He loves to say his big brothers name, and anything they are doing, he’s wanting to try too.
His big brothers just love him. They try to help him do so many things and is so fun to hear them talk to Elliot in their high pitched big brother voices.
He is good at playing alone. He likes to know that other people are around, and doesn’t really enjoy being in a room by himself, but is content to do his own thing with others around him.
He really is the perfection addition to our family.
Love this little man, and glad he’s our third little child.

One reply on “The third…”

He is a cutie!! I am sure that it is nice to have a baby that is content most of the day!! I dream of those days!!!!!!

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