
Just so you recognize us…

Let me give you a few updates on how we’re looking.

has now lost 2 teeth He’s enjoying sucking through a straw in the hole left by the void of his bottom teeth.


got new glasses. Similar to his old one, but now with darker rims. He couldn’t look handsomer in my book.


has become OBSESSED with slippers, especially Trumans Spiderman ones (that are 7 sizes too big) and Elliot insists on wearing them whenever he sees them. Even if they already are on Truman’s feet.


Since seeing ‘How to slay a dragon’ Truman has found all gear that could be viking gear, and dresses up, he loves being a viking, and loves his imaginary dragons.

So although we all may look a little different, rest assured we are still all the same people you know and love 🙂

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