
April Fools!!!

Tucker was home from school sick, on April 1st, so he had NO IDEA it was April Fools day. I was tempted to do a trick on/with them all day long, but decided it would be best to wait until dinnertime so it would be the ultimate prank. And it was, thanks to the help of my neighbors who cooked up a storm with me.

The boys had no idea, when they sat down to this:

Chicken Nuggets: Animal crackers rolled in honey and cornflakes
Veggie Melody: Starburst, Laffy Taffy, and Air heads.
Ketchup: Strawberry jam
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy: Ice cream and caramel sauce

And then we had dessert:
Ice Cream Cones: Corn bread cone with a hot dog inside (so a corn dog) and mash potatoes.

To drink:
Jello with a straw.
And milk, the bottom half was frozen and the top was normal.

It was such a fun night.
At first, they knew our neighbor had given us the chicken nuggets, so they just thought they were different than what we usually have.

But then when they ate the veggies, and they were stuck together and tasted sweet, they were in on the joke.

I loved seeing their reactions,

and like I said, I don’t know if we’ll be able to ever beat the shock of this year!

3 replies on “April Fools!!!”

Now that is the kind of April Fool’s joke and prank that I like! I will have to remember this next year or maybe even just for the fun of it one night! So cute!

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