If you hate long posts, full of adorable baby animals, or cute children….this post is not for you. Because it’s a long one.
Anyone who reads my blog regularly knows I am horrible at narrowing things down. But I honestly had over 300 pictures from this event, so I really did narrow it down! I promise!
This was Elliot’s first real, real experience with up close and personal farm animals. He has a couple of books that he loves to look at, and it was so fun to see him know what the animals were, making their noises, and just really discovering them!
By far, one of Elliot’s favorite animals was the baby cows…
He just kept mooing. And was just infatuated with them.
Tucker thought they were pretty cool too!
There was also some Baa-ing with the baby sheep
I think baby sheep are so precious, especially their little ‘baa-ings’
There were pygme (Did I spell that right?) goats
And other goats
And while visiting the goats, we ran into Christopher’s cousin Amy and her kids. I love running into friends and family when we are out and about! Here’s a picture of the kids:
There was plenty of walking
The baby chicks were so fluffy (and Trumans favorite part of course, I think he could have stayed her for the whole day!)
Truman really didn’t want to leave!
And Tucker asked us, when can we get some more baby chicks?
My favorite part were these little ducklings. There little bills, were just the cutest little thing I’d seen.
Elliot liked to get up right close the animals, he wanted to hug them,
Really just so sweet!
And Elliot,so fascinated with the little duckies…oh, just sweetness?
You can’t go wrong with visiting the horses.
And little piglets. Pigs are cute when they are babies.
After we’d been there for a few minutes, we met up with the sister in laws. Look at their cute expression, they are totally sisters. 🙂
And went to see the baby bears (disappointment. you couldn’t even really see them, but at least we got these cool masks!)
When we went to meet the family, we went past the cows, and Elliot started mooing again, and pointing, and signing more. So back to the cows we went…
He just couldn’t get enough!
And here are most of the cousins in one stall with the cow.
Then we went to visit the bunnies. This was Tuckers favorite animal.
And as you can Elliot loved them too, and didn’t want to share his bunny!
This was such a fun few hours. Next year, we’re going to have to remember to go earlier, so we can see everything before it closes!
Such a beautiful way to enjoy God’s creations and his beautiful world during Spring.