
SPRING BREAK: Baby Animal Days.

If you hate long posts, full of adorable baby animals, or cute children….this post is not for you. Because it’s a long one.

Anyone who reads my blog regularly knows I am horrible at narrowing things down. But I honestly had over 300 pictures from this event, so I really did narrow it down! I promise!

This was Elliot’s first real, real experience with up close and personal farm animals. He has a couple of books that he loves to look at, and it was so fun to see him know what the animals were, making their noises, and just really discovering them!

By far, one of Elliot’s favorite animals was the baby cows…

He just kept mooing. And was just infatuated with them.

Tucker thought they were pretty cool too!

There was also some Baa-ing with the baby sheep

I think baby sheep are so precious, especially their little ‘baa-ings’

There were pygme (Did I spell that right?) goats

And other goats

And while visiting the goats, we ran into Christopher’s cousin Amy and her kids. I love running into friends and family when we are out and about! Here’s a picture of the kids:

There was plenty of walking

The baby chicks were so fluffy (and Trumans favorite part of course, I think he could have stayed her for the whole day!)

Truman really didn’t want to leave!

And Tucker asked us, when can we get some more baby chicks?

My favorite part were these little ducklings. There little bills, were just the cutest little thing I’d seen.

Elliot liked to get up right close the animals, he wanted to hug them,

Really just so sweet!

And Elliot,so fascinated with the little duckies…oh, just sweetness?

You can’t go wrong with visiting the horses.

And little piglets. Pigs are cute when they are babies.

After we’d been there for a few minutes, we met up with the sister in laws. Look at their cute expression, they are totally sisters. 🙂

And went to see the baby bears (disappointment. you couldn’t even really see them, but at least we got these cool masks!)

When we went to meet the family, we went past the cows, and Elliot started mooing again, and pointing, and signing more. So back to the cows we went…

He just couldn’t get enough!

And here are most of the cousins in one stall with the cow.

Then we went to visit the bunnies. This was Tuckers favorite animal.

And as you can Elliot loved them too, and didn’t want to share his bunny!

This was such a fun few hours. Next year, we’re going to have to remember to go earlier, so we can see everything before it closes!

Such a beautiful way to enjoy God’s creations and his beautiful world during Spring.


Taking a break from spring break posts…

to show you my new favorite pictures of my boys…

walking hand in hand.




Big boys.

Love, love, love the sweetness in their faces.
Love, love, love being their mother.


SPRING BREAK: Hill Air Force Museum

An indoor/outdoor Musuem.

With so many huge interesting airplanes!

The boys were fascinated to be so close to them.

And there were some other artifacts there…but Tucker was a little ‘weirded’ out by the heads, as you can see…

Another place, we’ll definitely be returning too!


SPRING BREAK: out to eat!

One of my favorite things about this week, is seeing how we are so busy, and far enough from home, with hungry children, we usually eat out a couple times during spring break! My favorite restaurant, by far, from the week was this restaurant:

I love to try new food, and right now I am loving Thai Food, and this place was BY FAR the best food I have ever tasted.

The service was fantastic, (they doted on Elliot, brought him toys),

and I am still kind of dreaming of the cucumber sauce that came with our grilled meat.
And honestly, I do think it is good for our kids to try new food, and in many ways it is so much more fun to introduce the new foods in fun environments like this one!


SPRING BREAK: Red Butte Gardens

We picked up dad from work, and spent a couple of hours, exploring the gardens.

It was a beautiful spring afternoon, and although not to many plants were up yet, there was still plenty to see and do, including:

Now that Tucker is an expert reader, he loves to read plaques and signs,

Statues to see,

After a busy day running around Eli was quite content being in nature,

The children’s garden is always a favorite place,
the wire snake

the gigantic lizards

the fish pond

Tucker liked to sit and watch the fish..

Sometimes he even looked really close

There were maps to read

We found some bugs

and then went down to the big pond to feed the fish and ducks

the boys really enjoyed this

then some more friends came over to see us

and Toph successfully fed them out of his hand

therefore the big boys wanted to try

And by this point, Elliot was FREAKING OUT, wanting to be that close to the ‘bid, bid’ or bird

and loved feeding the birds

it was such a beautiful afternoon, and so much fun, and honestly, most of the time, the boys had grins like this:

Can’t wait to go back.


SPRING BREAK: Children’s Museum

A fun day with neighbors at the Children’s Museum.

It was a busy day at the museum, there were ALOT of people there, but we still managed to have a great time!



So apparently, even though we did a weeks worth of awesomely fun activities, one of the highlights from the week for them, was riding the train, 2 stops, down the street.

Although I failed to get an actual picture on the train, here are a few whilst we were waiting.
A couple sweet:

And a couple silly:

And where was Eli-belly? He was stroller-ing it again, just happy to have crackers.


SPRING BREAK: Church Art Museum

We’ve been here lots lately, and it was still a fun place to be. Lots of little fun activities.

This times favorites?
Elliot enjoyed the sheep from the nativity scene, and climbing in the chairs.
Tucker enjoyed being a doctor, and examining the babies.
Truman loved the bean bag game as well as the CTR tracing.
And I enjoyed watching a touching film about one of the pioneers, who was called as a stonecutter for the Salt Lake Temple, here is an excerpt from the movie:


SPRING BREAK: Tour of the Conference Center

Our Neighbors Parents are currently serving as Missionaries at the Conference Center. They generously took us around the building, and It was so fun for all of us with little kids to go on a tour, with out it being a ‘super stuffy’, or ‘hard to sit still and listen tour’. Here is some of the kids (I think we were missing two babies in this picture, plus the rest of the adults)

You can not go to the Conference Center without feeling the Calm and Beauty of the building.

Tucker loved learning the facts. How many seats there were, and how many pipes in the organ.

Pictures at the bottom of the fountain,

And from up above.

Elliot was good and chilled in his stroller, he really is such a mellow!

I thought it would be fun to take a picture of the boys infront of the original Captain Moroni picture, which they have hanging in the room, but as you can tell they didn’t really want to have anything to do with it.

The views were amazing, it was fun to see the temple,

and of course the beautiful waterfall

Truman really like the architecture, and kept making comments about how big and open the building was…

I was amazed that he’d even be aware of such things!

And because I know what happens here (General Conference) it is sacred. We get to hear the words of our Prophets, Apostles, and Leaders, you can’t help but feel peaceful and wonderful there.

Beautiful, beautiful experience!


SPRING BREAK: Finally getting the Easter Baskets

Thank goodness we finally tracked down that Easter Bunny!

The baskets were indeed left at the cabin, so the Great Hunsakers sent them back with Grams and Gramps. So we got to go visit Grams and Eric, and see the rest of the Easter loot!