

Going from two naps to one has been a hard one for Elliot. Somehow he’s decided that he will only nap once during the day…so we have been pushing the morning nap later, and the afternoon nap earlier.

But this has resulted in a lot of this:

Screeching and sad faces


Falling Asleep at Meals (which is my personal favorite picture from the week).

And last but not least, deciding he is ready for bed, going to the fridge, shouting ‘Bob’ (bottle), then once he’s got it, he climbed up in the chair, and put himself to sleep.

We’ll get our schedule adjusted eventually, but until then, I am sure there will be plenty of the above.

3 replies on “Adjustments”

That asleep in the high chair picture is priceless. It reminds me of the little boy I saw in the grocery store the other day, sound asleep in the cart (in the sitting part of the cart with his head on the handle).

Kids are so cute when they are sleeping!

It’s so good for me to read your blog because Elliot and Caleb are in the exact same stage! It’s good for me to know my kid is normal! We too are trying to figure out the new nap schedule! One or two? It’s a killer for us right now! I too love the sleeping in high chair! Too cute!

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