

A new space.

We have an extremely long office space. And it is the most rearranged room in our house, it’s constantly changing, and finally one day I figured out why, because I hated the space. And when I pondered why, it was the one thing that hadn’t changed…the bookshelves.

(You can kind of see them behind Toph…only picture I could find, and it’s not a good one, one day I’ll remember to take pictures!)

It felt like there was a lot of wasted space there, where the kids weren’t able to play, and that they actually avoided. So once this realization happened, I decided to change it up, and started that day actually, and although it was alot of work, I am so glad I did it!

Here’s all the books, we love books at this house. And we can’t buy anymore for awhile. As we’re running out of space to really put them!

I am trying to elimate things I don’t like, and leave or make only things that I love. I didn’t want to spend any money on this project, so I just took an old cabinet thing and turned it on it’s side, placed it between the bookshelves, and painted them all black.

Here’s a picture of Elliot helping me put everything back together, he loves to climb up and down, and up and down on the bench.
The boys are in this room, and over there constantly now.

And it feels so good, I love it, and wish I would have realized it was the bookshelves sooner! But I am just grateful I figured it out at all– And again, the power of creating things is a re-energizing thing for me! I need to remember this!

5 replies on “Creating…”

Awesome job! Creating energizes me, too! One more reason I love photography. 🙂

I love it!!! So nice a organized. I wish mine looked like that. Good job!!!!!!!!!!!!

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