
I have a feeling…

That this is the beginning of many crazy antics to come.

Elliot’s newest infatuation is the heater vent thingy (what’s the word I am looking for?) Register?

Is that what it’s called…whatever it is, he loves to play here.

He usually first tries to put himself down the vent.

Followed later in the day by his toys.

As long as it’s not food going down there, I think we’re okay! 🙂

7 replies on “I have a feeling…”

You have told me that he tries this, but I must say I am still waiting for him to try it at my house! He’s always right there by the sliding door watching Bear and I’m thinking he’ll notice the vent at his feet any day now? So, so cute.

That first shot is priceless! All of my kids loved the heater vents. Used to drive my parents nuts at their house.

My bloglines said there was one post and I got four! Quadruple fun! Congrats to Tucker! And those picture of Truman and Tucker just being odd. Those are the best!

(oops, I sent it before i finished.!) At least you’ll know where the smell is coming from!
Hey, what did you decide on getting Lee and Lucy for the wedding?
I’ve been dying to know!
We came up with a few suggestions, but its a bit late for all that!!! 🙂

If he ever get’s lost we will know where to look. That’s great. Too bad you don’t have a cat to put down there????

That is hilarious! Thanks Em (and Elliot) for a good laugh today! Ha! I love what kids come up with, he’s a smart little kiddo for figuring out how to get that off!

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