

The day finally came, for over 2 weeks, the boys have seen our gingerbread house kit on the top of our fridge, and daily the request has been made, to create our own little village.

The day finally came, and the boys summed up all the creativity inside of them,
and working as a family, we created our own little town of Phillips-ville.
Elliot, with a little help from Mom, created the Sunny Side Center (notice the smiling face on the roof)
Truman, chose the Catholic Chapel, but since we’re not catholic, and Truman wanted to put something where the catholic cross should go, we put an M on the outside, for Mormon.
Tucker, liked the shape of his Chalet, and created a cozy place, with TWO Sidewalks, so there was a way for everyone to get there,
Every town needs a place for it’s villagers to live, I created a nice little home for a nice little family…
And finally Toph’s beautiful masterpiece, sprinkley covered and all…
It never got a name, but unfortunately, it’s shape lends to the idea of an ‘outhouse’. (sorry sweets) That’s one glitzy building whatever it is :).

One reply on “Phillips-ville.”

LOL at the beautiful outhouse. 🙂 What a fun activity! We started a tradition of making houses on Christmas Eve, so Matty still has to wait a bit longer.

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