Trumans Surgery is complete, was successful, and everything went fantastically.
(pictures courtesy of Toph’s Camera Phone)
Truman truely is a champion, and was such a sweetheart during the whole process.
We were worried about his oxygen levels after surgery, as last time he kept holding his breath due to pain/anger, and his oxygen levels would drop so low they had the crash cart handy. It took us over 4 hours last time to get his levels up enough, then another hour or so to get them stabilized. It was horrible.
But this time, his levels were awesome–and we didn’t have any of the same problems. He came out of surgery, and the nurse said that as she was explaining things to him, apparently he’d respond with: ‘I know, I’ve had surgery before’, or ‘okay, I don’t mind’, and they thought he was so darling (Honestly how could you not!).
(Don’t mind Truman’s purple popsicle lips…)
We’re home now, and Truman appears to be recovering fantastically. I’m so proud of him, and his stellar attitude.
Thanks to you all for your calls, thoughts and prayers, dinners, and offers to watch and take care of my other children.
We’re grateful for all of you.