A happy birthday dinner to Eric, Me and Toph.
Yummy, yummy seafood.
As Truman sat next to Amy, she fed him half of her pound of Crab. He loved it.
It was a delicious birthday feast…Thanks Mom and Dad!
A happy birthday dinner to Eric, Me and Toph.
Yummy, yummy seafood.
That can only be learned by a first grader:
*Even though you think monsters don’t exist. They do. They live under your bed, and they do come out at night, ONLY when you are sleeping.
But not only this, but when you’re sleeping, you MUST sleep with Vacuums close to keeps the monsters away,
because Monsters hate to clean*
This month, Tucker also had his first cavity, he actually had two of them. And he wasn’t upset about having them, but he was upset because:
*The tooth fairy doesn’t pay as much money for teeth with cavities in them*
He’s also learned that, *School lunch is the best, and you should drink chocolate milk every day.* Tucker brought this piece of milk carton home in his pocket the other day,
and gave it to Toph, it’s snake eyes (Toph had one of these guys growing up, and has told Tucker about him). He tore it apart by himself and everything.
Can’t wait to see what knowledge the rest of the year brings
Nothing going to waste…I learning to bottle produce from our garden and from our neighbors. As well as make zucchini bread and harness the magical powers of zucchini. 🙂
This year I learned how to do the basics, and it was just addicting!
It all started with the cherry pie filling, It was like a gateway drug…It led to peaches, pears, tomatoes, grape juice, then it was chicken, apple pie filling and then ended with the applesauce.
It’s a process, and in the middle, I always doubted what I am doing,
the kitchen is a mess, and there is stuff everywhere, but the end result is just beautiful!
And to be honest, the boys LOVED it.
One of my neighbors, who was a partner in the canning process, (and who also has all sons) commented how fun it was to teach our boys how to bottle food. And the irony that they LOVED doing it too.
Here is a picture of the kids, with all the grapes we picked for juicing.
I really could not have done it with out our friends and neighbors who taught me, shared their produce, their canning tools, and answered my unending questions!
And I can honestly say, it is wonderful to learn something new, and to be provident in my living. 🙂
I have been thinking alot about you lately. How proud I am of you, how amazed I am at the big boy you are growing up to be. Having you back in school has made me miss you lots and lots. I have been remembering all of the many things that I love about you. I have been reflecting upon the many years and many days we’ve spent together, and remembering so many of our grand adventures. I am so grateful to be your momma.
Tucker I was remembering when you were potty training. We tried for along time to master that skill, and then one day it just clicked, and you got it. I kind of giggled at the long process it took for us to get there…Because once you decided you were ready, you did it.
Then I started thinking about your ‘theseys’. How you loved those little guys. Every night to go to sleep, you would take one with you, sucking on it, and rubbing it between your fingers. Again, it took you some convincing that it just wasn’t healthy for your teeth. But then once YOU made up your mind that you were done with them, you quit. Cold Turkey.
Last summer, mom and dad thought you might enjoy a two wheeler. We got you one and then put some training wheels on it, and tried to help you see how much fun it would be to ride it. But you were content with your three wheeler tri-cycle, you could sure cruise on that thing. Then this summer, YOU decided you’d like to try to ride the two wheeler. We took of the training wheels, and after a few times of mom and dad holding on to you, you took off.
I guess what I am trying to say is Tucker, I have seen it, I KNOW YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO DOING. When you make the decision to do it, you do it! So Dream Big, and follow your dreams, and always remember that I Love you!
Love you always,
We live for the weekends.
Especially when they contain Logan and Mooches for Treats.
We had a full car, the backseat of the car was full with Patrick, Tuck, Tru and Dallin Paul:
Grandma and Grandpa kept Eli company in the middle.
And Elliot really enjoyed his first sucker:
Thanks Grandpa and Grandma, we only wish we could have stayed longer!
Visual Documentation that Hubba Toph did celebrate on his birthday!
Yummy breakfast, presents, Nicklecade and Eat at Joes.