One of the most amazing women I know is my Mother…I LOVE HER. I know you have heard me say it before, but I wanted to do something special for mother’s day this year, and although my mother and I talk almost daily, I don’t write her words down. She is a woman wise beyond her years. She has raised four of us children, and now has 6 grandchildren, who are greatly blessed to be loved by her.
Often I ask her advice on this and that, but I was inspired by an article I saw ‘Real Simple’, and wanted to ask her very specific questions about motherhood, have them written down…and I loved her answers, in fact, to be honest, I cried.
I love you mom, thanks for sharing so much of who you are with me.
So with out further ado, introducing my mother on motherhood…
1. What’s the one thing about mothering that was different than you thought it was going to be?
I can think of a lot of things about mothering that I thought was going to be different but the one which surprised me the most was how difficult pregnancy was. I had watched horses and other animals give birth and was so amazed at how quickly the mother’s were up and about. The birth seemed so natural and easy. HAA!! What was I thinking?! I was shocked at how tired and sick I was during the 9 months and how long it took to recover. But, how quickly we forget the pregnancy and are ready to have another sweet baby in a couple of years. The good Lord knew what he was doing!! The other difficult thing about being a mom was watching you kids get hurt by life and realizing that I couldn’t change that hurt for you. I had to allow you to grow through the knocks and hard bumps. It was and still is the hardest part of motherhood.
2. What is something about mothering that you LOVE?
One of the things I loved the most about being a mom was having you four little treasures in my life. Watching you change and develop into the people you are today was an amazing experience.
3. In what ways do you think I am like you, and not like you?
Emily you are my daughter. I see so much about you that is like me. You walk and talk and think along the same lines as me. There is a connection that is there with a daughter that is innate and makes for a special bond. I also see strengths in you that took me years to develop. You are stronger in standing up for yourself than I was. You are a much more confident in your everyday living. You are so capable in every new task you set your mind to. You are such a devoted wife and mother. I am so proud of you!!
4. What are things that you really admire about your children?
Although each of you kids is different there are a lot of traits you all share. You are all strong leaders in your environments. You are high achievers and all have tried to do your best at everything you do. All of you kids relate well to other people, you are all well liked and thought of by those you come in contact with. You all have a strong desire to live the gospel and to be righteous. Your testimonies of the gospel are one of the greatest gifts you have given me.
It is hard to write just one thing I admire about each of my children. There are many things I see.
5. Do you think it is easier or harder to be a mother now than when you were raising our family?
It is definitely harder today. Kids are forced to face life earlier and earlier and consequently Moms are forced to approach subjects that could be pitfalls at an younger age. You have to be more vigilant about watching and looking for possible problems. However, I believe that children are stronger and smarter in each generation and also that Heavenly Father never gives us anything he doesn’t believe we are able to handle.
6. Is there anything you regret about raising our young family?
Just how quickly time goes. I wish I would have had more time to have with you kids
8. What is the best thing I can do to support you right now?
It is not your job to support me right now. I think the best gift you can give a parent is to remain strong in your love for the gospel and to pass along that testimony to your own children. What peace there is in seeing your children follow truth.
9. When did you realize you were no longer a child?
I realized my childhood had ended when Ryan was born and I realized he was my responsibility. He only had me to depend on and no one else would be able to do for him what I could. Motherhood has a way of changing you from thinking just about yourself and your needs to opening your mind and heart to the needs of others. There is no one you love more than your husband and children and no greater sacrifice than a mother’s life given to her family.
Can you see why I love my mother? She is amazing. The famous quote by Abe Lincoln is so True, ‘All I am, or can be, I owe to my angel mother.’
I am grateful every day for you.
Happy Mothers Day!!!